Red Meat 2019 - Accelerated Adoption Initiative

Red Meat 2019 - Accelerated Adoption Initiative

10 December 2019
-Min Read

Meat and Livestock Australia (MLA) recently announced the Red Meat 2019 - Accelerated Adoption Initiative which means cattle, sheep and goat levy-payers can now access a wide range of MLA products and services delivered directly to them at no cost. The program came into effect on 25 November 2019 and will operate until 30 June 2021.

Transaction levies will not change and will still be collected by and paid under the normal levy collection process.

Under the Accelerated Adoption Initiative, MLA will provide a temporary relief for costs incurred for the delivery of key products and services, from MLA, directly to red meat levy payers. Products eligible for alternative funding include LPA Production Assurance (LPA) accreditation and reaccreditation, LPA National Vendor Declaration (NVD) books, eDEC tokens and hardcopy LPA materials.

There will be no change to the services offered by Integrity Systems Company (ISC). It is business and usual and we will continue to support producers through our red meat integrity programs.