Cotton trash, what you need to know

Cotton trash, what you need to know

14 August 2019
-Min Read

Until recently, livestock fed cotton trash were not permitted to enter the food chain due to issues with residues. Under a strict protocol, LPA accredited producers can now access cotton trash for feed or mulch.

The protocol requires the producer to complete an Alternate Feedstuff Declaration (Cotton Trash) when acquiring cotton trash from an authorised supplying cotton gin, and to lodge the signed declaration with LPA administration.

Cotton trash must only be used under the specific conditions of this protocol in order to retain LPA accreditation and maintain Australian red meat’s food safety track record in more than 100 markets globally.

Following access to cotton trash, livestock must be verified as grazing on clean feed for 60 days before its device or PIC status is removed. The clean feed period must be verified by an Authorised Auditor.

Producers who don’t abide by the protocol risk losing their LPA accreditation, as well as posing a threat to the whole industry.