Digital capability building

Digital capability building

01 June 2020
-Min Read

Teys Australia strongly believes that providing data and information back to producers, as well as feedlot suppliers, is critical in assisting them to make informed on-farm decisions around the health of their animals, ultimately improving performance.

That’s according to Jasmine Green, Digital Value Chain Officer with meat processor and exporter, Teys Australia.

Carcase feedback information

Teys currently provides extensive carcase feedback based on information collected during chiller assessment and MSA grading, as well as standard AUSMEAT assessments for hot standard carcase weight, dentition, and fat measurements.  

“Teys is focusing on presenting the information and data in a way that is relevant and useful to individual businesses, ensuring it’s easy to implement on-farm,” Jasmine said.  

“Through our Feeder Cattle Feedback program, we produce data analysis reports that provide producers with an indication of how their genetics perform in feedlots.

“Traditionally, Teys collected a huge amount of data at plants and feedlots but haven’t previously analysed or used this data, unless reviewing an issue in hindsight.

“By focusing on Teys’ digital strategy, we’ve been able to open doors to technologies and data analysis programs that enable us to make efficient and effective business decisions to benefit Teys, our producers and the wider supply chain.

“By giving producers better access to carcase and animal health information to make informed on-farm decisions, we’re improving the performance of their cattle, and ultimately producing a better carcase outcome and higher quality product to market to the consumer.”

ISC Digital Value Chain Officers

Jasmine’s role is one of eight co-funded positions Integrity Systems Company (ISC) is investing in through the MLA Donor Company.

These roles aim to assist red meat companies develop a whole of value chain digital strategy that leverages the best solutions and ensures they are well positioned for new and evolving digital enablers.

Over the past 18 months, Jasmine, who is based at Wagga Wagga, NSW, has been working behind the scenes to investigate and identify gaps in the information and data collection process across Teys’ feedlots and processing plants. 

“Through identifying opportunities to better link available data across Teys’ value chain, we’re beginning to generate new insights for the business, and are able to share these insights with producers, assisting them to make more informed on-farm decisions,” Jasmine said.

“Teys has recently invested heavily in objective carcase measurement technology as well as individual animal health recording systems, technologies that facilitate insights to be shared with our producers.”

Having implemented processes at plants to capture consistent and quality animal health data against individual beef carcases, Teys is carrying out additional pilot trials this year in order to provide new health information to producers, along with their usual carcase feedback. 

Safeguarding the red meat industry

Additionally, Jasmine believes utilising technology and data to safeguard the red meat industry moving forward is key.

“Food safety and quality is critical to our global market access, so it’s also vital we look at how we can use technology to help minimise any risks associated with food safety,” Jasmine said.

“By using technology and data to our advantage, and assisting producers make better on farm decisions, we’ll strengthen Australia’s position as a viable supplier of quality red meat into the future.” 

More information

For more information on the digital value chain officer program contact Demelsa Lollback, Value Chain Relationship Manager, Integrity Systems Company on or 0428 231 179.