Stand by what you sell webinar events

Stand by what you sell webinars

19 August 2021

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Despite all the challenges of late – drought, fires, floods, COVID – the Australian livestock industry continues to get on with business. Now more than ever, it’s important we protect the reputation of our $28 billion industry.

The foundations of Australia’s red meat integrity system are Livestock Production Assurance, the National Livestock Identification System and National Vendor Declarations. This system means customers around the world trust Australian red meat is safe, ethically produced and high quality.

Have you got your integrity record keeping in order? Join us to find out, with discussion covering:

  • Changes to National Vendor Declarations
  • How to start using the faster, easier new eNVD platform
  • Accreditation and audits for Livestock Production Assurance
  • Transfers and reconciliations for the National Livestock Identification System
  • Linking all your accounts in one place using my MLA

Practical tips that make accessing and using LPA, NLIS and NVD easier, so you spend less time in the office.