LPA | What it means for you on-farm: Part 2

Livestock Production Assurance … what it means for you on-farm – Part 1 |

10 Aug 2021 08:00 pm
10 Aug 2021 09:00 pm
10 August 2021

Livestock Production Assurance (LPA) is the on-farm assurance program that underpins market access for Australian red meat. All producers – regardless of flock or herd size – need to be accredited to access the LPA National Vendor Declaration.

This session will take an in-depth look at LPA’s first four modules:

  • Property risk assessments
  • Safe and responsible animal treatments
  • Stock foods, fodder, crops, grain and pasture treatments
  • Preparation for dispatch of livestock

It will also provide handy tips for meeting requirements on-farm and ensuring your LPA records are up-to-date.

This webinar is ideal for anyone handling livestock – farm owners, managers, overseers and farm hands.

Find out what you need to know at this FREE one-hour webinar.

Date: Tuesday 10 August

Time: 8:00pm – 9:00pm EST

Register for part two of this webinar here.

Can’t make it? We will send you a free copy of the webinar so you can catch up, all you need to do is register!




Related webinars

Part two of this webinar will be held on Tuesday 17 August.



These webinars are part of our Stand by what you sell webinar series.

Register for other webinars to get practical tips and tools to help you meet the requirements of the red meat integrity system.