LPA audits – what’s involved and why there’s no need to panic! |

Livestock Production Assurance (LPA) is the independently audited, quality assurance program that delivers food safety, biosecurity and animal welfare outcomes on-farm. LPA accreditation enables access to LPA NVDs which are a declaration and guarantee to buyers.
All LPA accredited producers – from large scale operators to hobby farmers – may be audited to check how records are maintained and how food safety, biosecurity and animal welfare management is carried out.
This webinar is ideal for anyone handling livestock – farm owners, managers, overseers and farm hands.
Join this session to find out what to expect during an audit, how to prepare and how audits can help – not hinder – your farm business.
Find out what you need to know at this FREE one-hour webinar.
Date: Tuesday 14 September
Time: 8:00pm – 9:00pm EST
Can’t make it? We will send you a free copy of the webinar so you can catch up, all you need to do is register!
Other webinars
This webinar is part of our Stand by what you sell webinar series.
Register for other webinars to get practical tips and tools to help you meet the requirements of the red meat integrity system.