WEBINAR: What you need to know about LPA audits

WEBINAR: What you need to know about LPA audits | Online webinar

27 Sep 2022 08:00 pm
27 Sep 2022 09:00 pm
27 September 2022

Livestock Production Assurance (LPA) is the independently audited, quality assurance program that delivers food safety, biosecurity and animal welfare outcomes on-farm. LPA accreditation enables access to LPA NVDs which are a declaration and guarantee to buyers.

All LPA accredited producers – from large scale operators to hobby farmers – may be audited to check how records are maintained and how food safety, biosecurity and animal welfare management is carried out.

This webinar is ideal for anyone handling livestock – farm owners, managers, overseers and farm hands.

Join this session to find out what to expect during an audit, how to prepare and how audits can help – not hinder – your farm business.

Find out what you need to know at this FREE one-hour webinar!

Date: Tuesday 27 September 2022

Time: 8.00pm - 9.00pm (AEST)