Electronic identification: a webinar for goat producers

Electronic identification: a webinar for goat producers | Online

09 Apr 2024 07:30 pm
09 Apr 2024 09:00 pm
09 April 2024

This webinar is designed to help goat producers be prepared for eID by providing an understanding of their requirements around traceability.

Government and industry are working towards a mandatory national traceability system using electronic identification (eID) for sheep and goats by 1 January 2025.

This webinar, delivered by the Sheep & Goat Traceability Task Force and hosted by Integrity Systems Company and the Goat Industry Council of Australia, is designed to help goat producers be prepared. 

The webinar will cover: 

  • Why eID is important from a traceability perspective 
  • What NLIS accredited tags can be used and when 
  • The Livestock Production Assurance program and NVDs 
  • What you need to do when moving goats on and off your property 
  • Updates to NVDs for harvested rangeland goats 
  • A NLIS user demonstration including how to conduct a property-to-property transfer 

A goat producer who is already using eID will also join the webinar for a Q&A about their experiences and advice for others. 

For more information, download the flyer