Integrity System 2025 Strategic Plan

IS2025 future-proofs integrity systems

02 September 2019
-Min Read

Simplifying yet strengthening Australia’s red meat integrity system is the aim of the Integrity System 2025 and Beyond Strategic Plan (IS2025), developed by MLA subsidiary, Integrity Systems Company (ISC).

ISC Chief Operating Officer Jo Quigley discussed the IS2025 Plan with stakeholders from throughout the value chain at the recent inaugural Integrity System Company (ISC) Stakeholder Forum , providing an insight into what the system  would look like in the future and the benefits it would deliver.

“IS2025 aims to ensure that the integrity system is simple to use, and continues to be valued by industry and trusted by consumers,” Jo said.

“Emerging technologies are creating opportunities for Australian red meat to simplify, yet strengthen our offering in an increasingly competitive market.

“It is essential we maintain our competitive edge by ensuring our customer needs are met, today, tomorrow and into the future.

“A preliminary benefit cost analysis indicates that the successful implementation of the IS2025 strategy could to result in total benefits of $356.9 million.

“The largest benefit would come from a reduction in industry costs, while other benefits would include improvements in Australian price premiums, flow-on improvements to value chain productivity, and improved traceability.”

Key priorities include:

  • automated identification of livestock and locations
  • real-time monitoring and tracking of livestock
  • National Vendor Declarations replaced by automated verification systems
  • automated verification of market suitability
  • data-driven decision making and data sharing, and implicit compliance.

Jo said the IS2025 Plan was developed through extensive consultation with industry and government and informed by a comprehensive analysis of the current system and global megatrends.

“Insights from CSIRO’s food and agribusiness roadmap including the megatrends that will impact on the food and agriculture sector over the next 20 years, coupled with market and consumer insights have helped to provide an understanding of what our integrity system needs to achieve in the future,” Jo said.

“The elements of the megatrends that will have a direct influence on the red meat integrity system include the rise of big data and data analytics, increasing consumer demand for environmental and social credentials; rising importance of food safety; increasingly connected global value chains; greater international competition; and increasing demand for provenance information and accurate vendor claims.

“Our aim is to build on our existing integrity system that is trusted globally as underpinning a quality product, produced to rigorous standards and embedded in the culture of the Australian livestock industry.”

Implementation will begin immediately with initiatives delivered over the next two to five years.

ISC will lead the overall delivery of the plan and will work collaboratively with multiple industry stakeholders, technology providers and government to ensure the benefits of the strategy are achieved.

Watch this video to find out more information about the Integrity Systems 2025 and Beyond: