ISC Program Updates

ISC Program Updates

29 April 2020
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Electronic National Vendor Declaration - eNVD

The eNVD will be continuously updated to ensure it meets users’ expectations and requirements.  To find out what improvements have been made and to provide feedback, visit our eNVD page.

Livestock Production Assurance – LPA

Changes to the LPA website are being finalised to improve the online experience of red meat stakeholders when completing eNVDs, ordering hardcopy NVDs or completing LPA accreditation renewal.

As an LPA website user, you will notice incremental changes over the coming months, with new screen layouts and more intuitive menu options available.

National Livestock Identification System – NLIS

Amid ongoing Covid-19 disruptions to work arrangements, the NLIS development team continues to update the system and is in the process of implementing a number of improvements:

Migration of the NLIS database to Amazon Web Services (AWS) - the world's most broadly adopted cloud platform:

  • To future-proof the NLIS database, ISC is moving the database to the cloud. This will enable ISC to offer a much better service including increased speed and better report access.
  • This is in line with ISC’s 2025 Strategy, which seeks to maintain the NLIS as the best system in the world to monitor traceability and biosecurity, providing the Australian red meat industry with a competitive advantage.

Risk assessment:

  • Data protection is becoming an increasingly important function of all databases.
    To ensure your data is secure, the NLIS is beefing up its security and risk analysis processes.
  • NLIS has also developed a new risk assessment process to ensure all changes to the database comply with best practice data security procedures.

Producer consultation - NLIS Animal Identification Technology (AIT) standards and rules development:

  • ISC is working to modernise the current process for assessing, monitoring, and maintaining traceability solutions for the red meat industry
  • You can provide your input into this process by visiting our NLIS AIT Consultation page.