LDL puts carcase data to work

LDL puts carcase data to work

17 December 2019
-Min Read

A new how-to video is now available to help red meat producers put their carcase data to work through the online program, Livestock Data Link (LDL).

The video is a step-by-step guide to using LDL, which helps producers understand why their consignment did or did not comply with market requirements, including carcase compliance and animal health issues.

LDL enables the timely sharing of carcase and animal disease information between processors and their producers with the aim of optimising supply chain performance.
It links carcase data with analytical tools, benchmarking reports and the ‘Solutions to Feedback’ library, so producers can address carcase performance and any animal health conditions detected during processing.

Integrity Systems Company (ISC) Chief Executive Officer Dr Jane Weatherley said not meeting market specifications impacts the profitability of producers and the wider supply chain.

“MLA research indicates non-compliance with market specifications costs up to $163 million per year across the beef industry,” Dr Weatherley said.

“This includes value lost due to downgrades (discounts) for out of specification carcases ($51 million per year); carcase condemns ($64 million per year); and loss of meat and offal value due to animal health and disease ($12m-$49m per year).

“LDL enables red meat producers to see and analyse their carcase data from participating processors to target better compliance to market specifications.”

More information on LDL available here.