Integrity resources shared via webinar program

Integrity resources shared via webinar program

04 August 2020
-Min Read

Livestock producers, agents, transporters and saleyard operators received updates and practical tips on the red meat integrity system through a webinar series in July, designed to help the industry ‘stand by what it sells’.  

ISC partnered with state farming organisations, state departments of agriculture and a range of corporate and industry membership bodies to host the series, with recordings for all 16 sessions now available to download.  The series will continue in August with more sessions scheduled for later in the month.   

The webinar assists producers to ensure they have their record keeping in order, with key points covering: 

  • Changes to National Vendor Declarations (NVD) 
  • How to start using the faster, easier new eNVD platform 
  • Accreditation and audits for Livestock Production Assurance (LPA) 
  • Transfers and reconciliations for the National Livestock Identification System (NLIS) 
  • Linking all your integrity accounts in one place using myMLA 

More webinars are scheduled for late August so keep an eye out for further information.  To view recordings of past webinars, visit the ISC Webinar page.