NLIS updates

NLIS updates

25 February 2020
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NLIS database tips for February

How to check if an upload has been successful

The National Livestock Identification System (NLIS) will automatically send an email to advise you if an upload has been successful. If you do not receive an email, it could mean there are problems with the email server, your email address in the database may be incorrect or the email has been sent to your Junk folder.

If you don’t receive an email, information about uploads can also be retrieved directly from the database in two ways:
1. From the home page, select ‘View my transaction history’

A list of all transactions will appear by date order, with upload IDs.

Check the far right column ‘Upload Status’ to see if the upload was complete.

2. To retrieve the actual email, from the home page, select ‘View my notifications’

All emails/notifications sent to your account will be listed:

To open the email, simply click anywhere on the line that it is listed on.

For additional NLIS Tips, visit the ISC website.


Having trouble accessing the NLIS database?

The NLIS website is not fully compatible with some older internet browsers, so you should always ensure that you are using the latest version of your internet browser when you visit

To check if your current internet browser is up to date, visit

For assistance with upgrading your browser, contact your local IT provider.
For more information on NLIS support visit the Integrity Systems website.


NLIS database maintenance dates

The NLIS database will be unavailable between 6pm and 8pm (Sydney time) every second Thursday. 

View the NLIS maintenance dates here.