Preparation essential for maintaining integrity records

Preparation essential for maintaining integrity records

20 October 2020
-Min Read

In the event of a natural disaster, ensuring that integrity systems are maintained by producers comes back to practical planning and accurate record keeping. Completing a PIC reconciliation to bring NLIS records up to date is one step that can be completed in preparation for the event of a natural disaster.

Moving livestock

During and post-disasters, the movement of livestock is highly likely. If NLIS records are up to date, emergency livestock movements can be managed more easily, allowing records to be accurately maintained.

Completing a PIC reconciliation regularly helps ensure that all livestock transfers have been completed correctly on the NLIS database and that there is no or minimal discrepancy in the number of active devices assigned to your PIC. Having an accurate list of all livestock on your property prior to a natural disaster can be invaluable after the event has passed. Instructions on how to complete a PIC reconciliation are available here.

Keeping accurate records prior to natural disasters is also essential for ensuring traceability and biosecurity across regions. Accurate records allow authorities to respond quickly should there be evidence of disease spread or chemical contamination.

With the suite of changes to the NVD system this year, it is particularly important that producers are aware of and able to comply with the new requirements.  

Updated LPA NVDs, identified by version 0720, were released on 1 July 2020. As of 1 January 2021, these will be the only LPA NVDs accepted. Due to demand and distribution delays, it can take up to six weeks for new NVD books to arrive.

In the event of such delays and in the case of an emergency, all livestock transfers can be completed using the eNVD system which is available and accessible at any time.

Producers are encouraged to become familiar with the eNVD system, to ensure livestock assurance and health declarations can be completed quickly and accurately if an adverse event occurs and there is no access to a paper-based NVD. eNVDs can be accessed via the LPA website.

Natural Disaster Response Bulletins

ISC has developed a suite of Natural Disaster Response Bulletins to help producers plan for, and manage, their integrity requirements through droughts, bushfires and floods. A specific bulletin on agistment has also been developed, providing advice to both those seeking and offering agistment, particularly in the event of a natural disaster.

Key points:

  • Accurate record-keeping will ensure integrity systems are maintained in the event of a natural disaster.
  • Complete a PIC reconciliation to ensure NLIS records are maintained.
  • In the case of an emergency, the eNVD is available and accessible at any time.