Updates coming soon to LPA accounts

Updates coming soon to LPA accounts

04 August 2020
-Min Read

In line with the refresh of the Home and Account pages earlier in the year, further upgrades are being made to Livestock Production Assurance (LPA) accounts.  

What’s changing? 

The new look and feel layout has been applied to the Purchasing (NVD) and Learning pages. 

Purchasing page 

The refreshed Purchasing page now provides users with a single point for accessing all LPA products, including: 

  • NVDs 
  • LPA Recording Keeping booklet 
  • LPA Guidebook 
  • LPA On Farm QA Manual 


LPA purchasing page.png

Learning page 

Learning and assessment will be accessible through the ‘Learning’ tab via the home page or menu bar and will contain all the links and tools required by producers to prepare for and complete their LPA accreditation assessment.   

Accreditation must be renewed every three years and the assessment can be started up to six months prior to the due date.  Producers are contacted prior to their renewal date, advising of the steps that need to be taken.  

The LPA Learning modules on this page are designed to ensure producers are aware of their responsibilities within the LPA program and prepare them for completing the assessment.   

While most of the modules are voluntary, all LPA accredited producers must complete module 7, which covers the Animal Welfare requirements. Completing this module generates a certificate that is a required piece of evidence for LPA audits. 

The refresh of the Learning page will allow producers to more easily navigate the steps required to complete their LPA accreditation. 

Password security 

The strength requirements of password combinations are increasing.  

If an LPA user’s password does not meet these requirements, they will be asked to reset their password on their next login.  

Passwords must have a minimum of eight characters, and include three of the four categories: one upper case letter, one lower case letter, and one special character such as !@#$%/^&*. 

To further boost security, only browsers with a certain level of compatibility will be allowed to communicate to the LPA server due to insecure browsers.  

Producers running older computer operating systems (such as Windows XP) may find the connection between their server and LPA no longer works To continue accessing LPA, it may be necessary to upgrade their computer’s operating system.