2021 in review: an exciting year for integrity

2021 in review: an exciting year for integrity

07 December 2021
-Min Read

Dr Jane Weatherley

ISC CEO Dr Jane Weatherley


Dear stakeholders,  

Over the past 12 months there have been significant changes to integrity programs to support producers and other stakeholders in the Australian red meat industry to stand by what they sell despite the complex and varied challenges faced by industry. 


On 1 January 2021, the latest version (version 0720) of the National Vendor Declaration (NVD) became the only version accepted for all species of livestock being transferred.  

ISC conducted an extensive communications campaign from July 2020 until early this year to ensure producers were aware of this important change and could be ready to use the latest version NVD from 1 January 2021.  

As a result, the transition to the current version NVD was successful, with unprecedented levels of NVD book orders received and most producers adopting the new version NVD well before 1 January.  


Similar success was experienced early this year in the uptake of the fast, easy eNVD system for completing livestock consignment forms digitally.  

Adoption of this system has been rapid following the introduction of the new NVD version, as well as the official decommissioning of the eDEC system on 30 December 2020. Around 30% of all livestock consignments are now completed using the eNVD system – a number ISC hopes to increase further through the development of a new eNVD mobile app.

This new eNVD mobile app will address the issue of connectivity which prevents many producers from using the eNVD system, by enabling producers to share consignment details with transporters or other parties without internet access.  

This will mean that producers won’t have to print or supply a hard copy NVD if they don’t have internet access at their yards, as an eNVD will be able to be shared regardless of connectivity. 

The first prototype of the eNVD mobile app will be ready for initial testing by 31 December this year. After further trialling with producers, feedlots, transporters and processors, the app will then be released publicly in 2022 to provide industry with a simple, easy to use solution for completing digital consignments.  

New tools and resources 

While all this activity is underway, ISC has also been hard at work developing a new range of practical resources to assist red meat producers to meet their requirements for the Livestock Production Assurance (LPA) program and the National Livestock Identification System (NLIS). 

These tools and resources include:  

  • A range of how-to guides to assist producers with using the NLIS to record livestock movements onto and off their property identification code (PIC). 
  • New LPA record keeping options, including the option for producers to download and fill out all LPA record keeping templates electronically and store them online in their LPA account 
  • A comprehensive update of the frequently asked questions on the ISC website to provide help with LPA, NVDs, NLIS and more. 

ISC’s highly popular Stand by what you sell webinar series also continued throughout the year to provide producers with more practical tips and tools to ensure they could stand by what they sell, with 32 webinars delivered to over 2,152 attendees in this year’s series alone.  

Looking ahead 

As we look to 2022, more exciting new changes are underway to ensure the integrity system adds value and meets needs at each point of the supply chain.  

Following the launch of the eNVD mobile app in early 2022, the next phase of the project will commence to enable core integrity system program activities – including NLIS and LPA – to be integrated into the mobile app. This continues the ISC mission to simplify the programs for our producers and supply chains. 

A refresh of ISC’s Livestock Data Link (LDL) system is also underway to aid producers in accessing carcase performance data to inform on-farm decisions towards increasing carcase compliance and boosting profitability. 

In addition, ISC will continue to work with KPMG Australia and a range of other leading agrifood stakeholders to scope the development of an Australian AgriFood Data Exchange (AAFDX), a secure way to exchange vital information throughout the agriculture and agribusiness supply chain.  

LPA and NLIS, the two core programs that make up the integrity system delivered by ISC, will also continue to be improved in new ways throughout the coming year to better meet stakeholder needs.  

On behalf of ISC, I would like to wish everyone a restful and well-earned Christmas break. We look forward to continuing to improve our integrity systems for you in the new year.  

Many thanks,  

Dr Jane Weatherley 

More information 

For more updates about ISC programs, visit the ISC news page or subscribe to ISC’s newsletter, Integrity Matters, for more need-to-know news and information on NLIS, LPA and NVDs. 

ISC’s program highlights also provides an overview of key integrity program statistics and information, from animals transferred in the NLIS to how many eNVDs are completed each month.