eNVD the way to go at Whyalla Beef | Case study

eNVD the way to go at Whyalla Beef

07 September 2021
-Min Read

Consigning 1,500–2,000 head of cattle per week to slaughter is no small feat – but it’s a task that Whyalla Feedlot Dispatch Supervisor, Tess Gealy, handles with ease thanks to the eNVD system.

With a license to carry 55,000 head, NH Foods’ Whyalla Feedlot is one of the largest feedlot operations in the southern hemisphere.

Located 25 kilometres north of Texas, Queensland, the feedlot sources Angus and Wagyu cattle from across eastern Australia to be grain-fed at the facility before being transported to slaughter at the Oakey processing plant.

Currently, Whyalla carries 36,000 head of cattle, with between 1,500–2,000 head turned off from the feedlot each week.

As Dispatch Supervisor at Whyalla Feedlot, Tess Gealy is responsible for coordinating the transport and consignment paperwork required for cattle being sent to slaughter from the site.

Image of Tess Gealy at her desk

“I check and prepare the cattle for their final few weeks here before they go to slaughter,” Tess said.

“Part of that involves organising transport for the cattle and filling out the consignment paperwork for the cattle to go to slaughter.”

With the large numbers of cattle being sent from the facility to slaughter each week, Tess has found the eNVD system provides a quick, easy way to complete the consignment paperwork required to dispatch cattle from Whyalla.

“I’m usually completing around five or more consignments each week, which means we are completing consignment paperwork often,” Tess said.

“We complete the NFAS, MSA and NVD forms for each category of cattle sent – so we’re sending three forms with our cattle each time.”

“With the volume of cattle we’re sending out, to write that many NVDs (and other forms) on paper is very time consuming – it takes a lot longer than if you use eNVDs.”

The eNVD system also enables Tess to easily fill out consignment paperwork well in advance, so cattle can be dispatched from the feedlot quickly and smoothly.

“At the end of the week, I always do all my consignments ready for the week ahead on the system,” Tess said.

“The eNVD system is very convenient and very easy to use – it’s basic and that’s what I like about it.”

“The forms have got everything I need on them too.”

Creating consignment paperwork online using the eNVD system has also allowed Tess to store and locate feedlot records for instant retrieval.

“eNVDs give us a good online record so we’re not clogging up the office with paperwork everywhere,” Tess said.

“Personally, I’m so used to paper copies, so it was a little daunting for me to move away from that – but it’s quite exciting to try something new and see it work so well.”

To complete an eNVD, log in to your LPA account via myMLA and follow the instructions in the eNVD how-to guide to complete your consignment.

Tess’ top tips for using the eNVD system

  1. Try filling out your eNVD in advance
  2. Create a template in the system for future consignments
  3. Consider using the system to fill out other consignment paperwork, such as NFAS forms