Flood information for livestock producers

Flood information for livestock producers

14 April 2021
-Min Read
  • Flood affected producers in NSW should visit the NSW DPI’s website or access the Natural disaster assistance guide for primary producers for key contacts and information on current flood conditions.
  • Queensland producers affected by flooding should visit the Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries website for support and information on flood conditions.
  • For assistance in meeting integrity requirements (NLIS transfers, Livestock Production Assurance (LPA) accreditations or audits) flood-affected producers should contact ISC Customer Service on 1800 683 111.

The recent floods have affected livestock producers across NSW and parts of southern Queensland, causing damages to crops, pastures and infrastructure and impacting livestock.  

Flood affected producers in NSW can visit the Department of Primary Industries (DPI) flood response webpage to access a range of key contacts, resources and information on the current flood event. More comprehensive support, including information on grants and financial assistance currently available to flood affected producers in NSW, is available from the Natural disaster assistance guide for primary producers that has been created by the NSW DPI in conjunction with Local Land Services (LLS). Producers affected by flooding in Queensland should visit the Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries website for support and information to assist with flood recovery. 

Flood affected producers needing assistance in meeting any of their integrity requirements (NLIS transfers, Livestock Production Assurance (LPA) accreditations or audits) should contact ISC Customer Service on 1800 683 111. The Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA) website has information for producers affected by flood conditions, including a directory of alert services, relevant contacts and support as well as resources for managing and recovering from flood.

Producers not currently flood-affected should ensure their enterprise is prepared in case of future flood events that may affect their local area. Natural Disaster Response Bulletins are available on the Integrity Systems Company (ISC) website to help producers prepare and respond to a range of natural disasters, including floods.  Continuing to manage biosecurity, food safety and livestock traceability through natural disasters ensures the clean, safe reputation of Australian red meat can be maintained.

Natural Disaster Response Bulletins are available to help producers prepare and respond to a range of natural disasters, including floods.