Checking your LPA account

Have you checked your LPA account recently?

03 August 2021
-Min Read
  • Producers should log in to their LPA account regularly to check their account details are correct, so they can stay LPA-accredited and access LPA NVDs
  • Producers can now link their LPA and other industry accounts to myMLA to access all their accounts with one username and password, as well as access integrity products and services available from the new catalogue in myMLA

Producers should log in to their Livestock Production Assurance (LPA) account to ensure their account details are up to date. This is essential to remaining LPA-accredited, which is required to access LPA National Vendor Declarations (NVDs).  

Since the end of the Accelerated Adoption Initiative on 30 June 2021, Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA) has launched its new catalogue of products and services. As a result, there has been some changes to how LPA-accredited producers access their LPA accounts. To access their LPA accounts, producers must now link their LPA account to their myMLA account and then sign in using myMLA. 

More information about these changes is available on the MLA website, or read on to find out how you may now log in to your LPA account and update your profile details. 

How to log in to your LPA account 

To access your LPA account, you must first link your LPA account to myMLA and then sign in using myMLA. Linking your LPA account to myMLA is also necessary to purchase LPA products and services, including hard copy LPA NVD books and LPA accreditation/reaccreditation, from the new catalogue of MLA and ISC products and services available in myMLA. 

Watch this short video to learn how to link your LPA and other industry accounts to myMLA or find out more about the new catalogue of ISC and MLA products and services.   

Checking your LPA account details 

To check your LPA account details are up to date, log in to your LPA account via myMLA and press ‘Account’ on the menu at the top of the page.  

Your LPA account details will now appear on the page. Make sure all the details listed here are up to date, including your business:  

  • trading name 
  • Australian Business Number (ABN) 
  • contact details, including name/s, email address and phone number 
  • location address and postal address (if different). 

Ensure that the name/s entered in the account details include all the names of the producers responsible for that LPA accreditation. If your partner or other family member is also responsible for that LPA accreditation, their name/s must be listed in the account details so they can take actions for that LPA account, such as ordering LPA NVD books.  

You should also check that all species of livestock you have on your property identification code (PIC) are selected in the ‘Species on PIC’ section of your account details.  

You can update your details in this section if any of these details are incorrect. Press ‘update profile’ once you have updated your details to ensure your updated details are saved in your account.  

An image showing the steps to take to update your LPA account

Producers are asked to confirm their account details are correct when completing their LPA reaccreditation every three years, so it is possible that some of your details may have changed since you were last accredited. 

Your LPA account details are not automatically updated when you update your myMLA account, so it is especially important to check these details are correct.  

Third party access to your LPA account 

Is some or all of your property agisted or leased by someone else? Have you got a farm manager? In some states and territories, you may be able to provide a third party with access to your LPA account.  

While the nominated person for the LPA accreditation is always responsible for meeting all LPA requirements for all livestock that reside on the property identification code (PIC), a third party (e.g. the agistee or farm manager) can access and use your LPA account with your permission in some circumstances. More information on enabling third-party access to an LPA account is available on the ISC website 

More information and assistance 

For more information and assistance with myMLA or your LPA account, contact ISC Customer Service on 1800 683 111 or at  

Learn more about LPA.  

Linking your accounts in myMLA

myMLA is the gateway to accessing a range of MLA products and services and provides a single sign on facility to your NLIS, LPA, NVDs, LDL and MSA accounts.