HGPs: your responsibilities when completing the NVD

HGPs: your responsibilities when completing the NVD

14 April 2021
-Min Read
  • Some customers and markets will not accept meat that has been treated with hormonal growth promotants (HGPs). If HGPs are detected in these markets it can result in an immediate market closure, causing significant cost and reputational damage to our industry. 
  • Cattle that have been treated with HGPs must be identified using a triangular ear punch and the use of HGPs on these animals must be declared on your LPA NVD.  
  • You must be absolutely certain that your cattle have not been treated with HGPs to tick ‘no’ on Question 1 of the cattle LPA NVD.  If unsure, tick ‘yes’.  
  • Failure to declare the use of HGPs could result in suspension from the LPA program and legal action being taken against individual producers.  

Livestock Production Assurance National Vendor Declarations (LPA NVDs) provide evidence of livestock history and on-farm practices when transferring livestock through the value chain.  

Knowing how to complete an LPA NVD so that it’s clear, complete and correct is essential.   

The LPA NVD is a legal document that guarantees the safety of red meat products and enables the traceability of those products along the value chain. This system ensures market access, food safety and maintains the solid reputation of the industry in line with customer expectations.   

Understanding each of the questions on the NVD document, including hormonal grown promotant (HGP) use, is the key to knowing how to complete your consignment correctly, so you can stand by what you sell.    

What is a hormonal growth promotant (HGP) and why do I need to declare that my cattle have been treated with it on my NVD?  

HGPs are slow-release implants containing natural or synthetic hormones designed to boost feed efficiency and growth rates in cattle.  

Question 1 on the cattle LPA NVD is: ‘Have any of the cattle in this consignment ever in their lives been treated with hormonal growth promotants (HGP)?’  

You should tick yes on Question 1 of the NVD if:  

  • your farm records say yes  
  • any of the animals have a triangular hole in their right ear  
  • you can see or feel an old implant or a steel bead in their right ear 
  • you are in doubt.  

You should only tick no if you are absolutely certain animals have not been treated with HGPs. Both male and female cattle can be treated with HGPs.   

Cattle treated with HGPs must be identified by a triangular ear punch so they can be kept separate where necessary.   

It is vital that HGP treated cattle can be identified. Some customers and markets do not want to buy meat that has been treated with HGPs. Failing to declare the use of HGPs could result in suspension from the LPA program and legal action being taken against individual producers.    

The EU cattle NVD also requires producers to declare if cattle have been treated with HGPs. Livestock are EU ineligible if they have been treated with HGPs.   

Read more about HGPs and completing the LPA NVD.  

The LPA NVD is a legal document that is a signed declaration. It is underpinned by state legislation and non-compliance can result in severe penalties.