Extended customer service hours

ISC Customer Service hours extended

11 May 2021
-Min Read
  • ISC Customer Service is now available to assist producers from 8am to 7pm AEST, Monday to Friday.
  • This three-hour extension to Customer Service opening hours seeks to improve producers’ access to support services so they can meet their integrity requirements.
  • Producers can also access a range of services 24 hours a day, seven days a week, through the Customer Service’s self-service function.

The three-hour extension to opening hours aims to improve producers’ access to the service, so that they can access the support they need to meet their integrity program requirements. This may include help with tasks such as ordering National Vendor Declaration (NVD) books, completing transfers in the National Livestock Identification System (NLIS) database, or filling out records required by the Livestock Production Assurance (LPA) program.

The extended hours of operation will also ensure that producers in SA, WA and the NT who do not reside in the AEST time zone are able to access the service during more suitable hours for their business.

Access to commonly requested services 24/7

Outside of these hours, producers can still access a range of commonly requested services from ISC Customer Service through the self-service function.

Self-service is now available for producers who need to:

  • order NVD books for cattle, sheep and goats 
  • reset passwords for LPA and NLIS accounts 
  • recover their LPA user ID 
  • learn how to complete the electronic National Vendor Declaration (eNVD).

These self-service options can be accessed 24 hours a day, seven days a week. If calling during the Customer Service’s opening hours (8am to 7pm AEST), producers can choose to either speak to a customer service officer or access the self-service option.

ISC Customer Service will continue to transfer calls to relevant state departments of agriculture when required.

ISC Customer Service is available on 1800 683 111.

Alternatively, producers can also email info@integritysystems.com.au to get in touch with ISC Customer Service.