ISC's popular webinar series continues

ISC’s popular webinar series continues

13 July 2021
-Min Read
  • ISC’s Stand by what you sell webinar series is underway to provide practical tips and tools to help livestock producers meet the requirements of the red meat integrity system. 
  • Over 1,500 people registered to attend the first six webinars in the series, which has received an average overall satisfaction rating of 8.2/10 from viewers so far. 
  • The series continues until 2 November and the full schedule for the webinar series is available on the ISC website.  

Integrity Systems Company’s (ISC) Stand by what you sell webinar series is well underway, with livestock producers praising the series for providing a range of practical tips and tools to help them meet the requirements of the red meat integrity system.  

Since 1 June, over 1,530 viewers have registered to attend the webinar series, which covers a range of key topics including:  

  • how to use the electronic eNVD  
  • meeting the LPA program requirements on-farm 
  • LPA audits – what is involved and how to keep good records 
  • tips to be ready for this year’s selling season 
  • navigating the NLIS database 
  • using data to improve decision-making through Livestock Data Link. 

Six webinars have been conducted so far as part of the series to provide livestock producers with an overview of the foundations of Australia’s red meat integrity system. The webinars have received an average satisfaction rating of 8.2/10 from viewers in attendance.  

Many producers who attended the recent webinars were keen to report that they found the webinar extremely helpful in assisting them in their on-farm record keeping and other integrity requirements.  

“We found this webinar a great reminder of many small things that need to be done that sometimes during a busy day can be forgotten,” two producers said of a recent webinar held as part of the series.  

“The responsibility of who records the selling or purchasing of stock is always a good reminder to everyone.” 

“The availability of similar webinars as refreshers and reminders is a great idea. It is great not having to come in from the paddock and shower and drive to a seminar. We can sit in comfort at home (and watch),” the couple said.  

A number of producers also reported that as a result of attending the webinar, they were now aware of the importance of on-farm record keeping for their business and knew what actions they needed to take to ensure their on-farm records were complete.  

ISC’s Stand by what you sell webinar series concludes on 2 November. The webinars are free and all livestock producers, agents, transporters and saleyard operators are encouraged to attend.  

Selling livestock this spring? 

The next webinar in the series will take place between 8pm-9pm (AEST) next Tuesday 20 July, and will provide a refresher session on what you need to do to get your livestock sale-ready to maximise the number of buyers for your animals.  

View the full webinar schedule

Click the button below to view the full webinar schedule and sign up to future webinars in the series.  

Couldn't make the webinar you wanted to watch? Recordings of all previous webinars in the series are available here

More information on ISC’s Stand By What You Sell webinar series is available on the events page on the ISC website.