New NLIS how-to guides

Need help with NLIS?

07 September 2021
-Min Read
  • A range of how-to guides are now available on the Integrity Systems Company (ISC) website to help producers use the National Livestock Identification System (NLIS)
  • ISC is hosting a series of webinars to provide further support with the NLIS. A dedicated webinar will be held for each state or territory in partnership with the relevant state department of agriculture. Sign up to attend one of the upcoming webinars or watch a recording of a past webinar on the ISC website.

A range of how-to guides are now available to assist producers with using the National Livestock Identification System (NLIS) to record livestock movements onto and off their property identification code (PIC).

About the guides

These how-to guides provide clear, step-by-step instructions to completing the following actions in the NLIS database:

To access the how-to guides, click the button below.



Using the NLIS system

ISC CEO Dr Jane Weatherley said the new resources will provide producers with fast, hands-on support to use the NLIS system.

“These how-to guides are simple to use, easy to access and provide support for producers to complete a wide range of actions in their NLIS accounts, from completing a livestock transfer to conducting a PIC reconciliation,” Jane said.

“Using the NLIS system to identify and trace your livestock is a legal requirement for livestock producers and it is necessary for Livestock Production Assurance (LPA) accreditation, which provides access to LPA NVDs.

“The NLIS system is also vital to ensure lifetime traceability for livestock, which promotes consumer trust in our industry while enabling livestock to be tracked in the event of a disease or food safety incident.”

“These step-by-step guides provide producers with the tools they need to ensure their NLIS accounts are up to date, so they follow program compliance requirements and ensure the NLIS system remains up to date."

"This is incredibly important as it ensures the system remains current in the event of a food safety or biosecurity incident and livestock need to be rapidly traced,” Jane said.

More how-to guides to support producers with the NLIS database will become available soon.

NLIS and the red meat integrity system

The Australian red meat integrity system combines livestock traceability with on-farm assurance to maintain the integrity and reputation of Australian red meat. This system underpins our livestock selling system and ensures buyers, retailers and consumers have confidence in Australian red meat.

Integrity Systems Company delivers the two key programs which are the foundation of the integrity system, including:

  • the National Livestock Identification System (NLIS), Australia’s system for the identification and traceability of cattle, sheep and goats
  • Livestock Production Assurance (LPA) – the Australian red meat industry’s on-farm assurance program.

These programs are connected through LPA National Vendor Declarations (LPA NVDs), which link on-farm assurance to livestock traceability. This makes LPA NVDs the legal document guaranteeing the quality, safety and traceability of Australian red meat products.

More help with NLIS

ISC Customer Service is also available to provide more help with NLIS at or on 1800 683 111 between 8am and 7pm (AEST), Monday to Friday.

Improvements to the NLIS are in progress, with ISC working on the development of a mobile app from which producers can access and use the NLIS database with ease. Updates on the development of this app will be communicated via ISC channels.