Need NVDs in a hurry?

Need NVDs in a hurry?

02 February 2021
-Min Read
  • If you do not have access to a current hard copy NVD and need to move stock urgently, eNVDs are accessible at any time to fill out on your mobile device or computer  
  • eNVDs contain the same questions as the hard copy NVD but are faster and easier to complete
  • The eNVD system is automatically updated with the latest version of all consignment forms, including the LPA NVD, so producers can be sure they are compliant 
  • Consignment forms can be submitted digitally and/or printed in triplicate and finished manually 
  • The ISC Helpdesk (1800 683 111) can assist producers who do not have access to their LPA credentials, and/or do not have access to the internet on a device/computer by starting the consignment on their behalf. 

The Livestock Production Assurance National Vendor Declaration (LPA NVD) provides evidence of livestock history and on-farm practices when transferring livestock through the value chain. This document guarantees the safety and traceability of Australian red meat products to ensure market access and maintain the solid reputation of the industry in line with customer expectations.   

In the event of an emergency or other adverse event where a hard copy LPA NVD is not available, consignment forms can be completed on a mobile device or computer using the eNVD system, which is available and accessible at any time.    

If producers don't have access to a mobile device, computer or internet or just don't feel confident completing an eNVD in an emergency, the ISC Helpdesk (1800 683 111) can assist by starting the consignment on their behalf. The partly completed PDF forms can then be emailed to the producer or to their agent to assist in printing and completing the consignment in hard copy. In this circumstance it is important to remember to print three copies and ensure all copies are clear, correct and complete.  

In light of the delays in the delivery of LPA NVD hard copy books due to ongoing interruptions to the postal system, some producers will need to use the eNVD system in order to access and generate the most up-to-date version of the LPA NVD.    

The eNVD system is always updated with the latest version of consignment forms including the LPA NVD, MSA vendor declaration, national health declarations and NFAS forms, so producers can be sure they are compliant. When using eNVD, consignment forms can be submitted digitally and/or printed in triplicate and finished manually. 

Producers are reminded that as of 1 January 2021, only the current version (version 0720) of the LPA NVD will be accepted for all species of livestock being transferred. Completing a livestock transfer using an outdated version of the LPA NVD is a breach of the LPA rules and standards and may result in a corrective action request (CAR) being issued to the LPA-accredited producer who completed the consignment.    

To complete an eNVD, use your LPA credentials to log in to your LPA account and follow the instructions given in ISC’s eNVD how to guide to complete your consignment.  

For more information or assistance, contact the ISC Helpdesk on 1800 683 111.