New data exchange to revolutionise Australian agrifood sector

New data exchange for Australian agrifood sector

03 November 2021
-Min Read
  • Earlier this year, ISC and a range of other leading agrifood stakeholders announced plans to scope the development of an Australian AgriFood Data Exchange (AAFDX).
  • The AAFDX is an adaptable, secure digital platform that will enable the exchange of vital information throughout the agriculture and agribusiness supply chains.
  • The AAFDX project was initiated by ISC and KPMG Australia, and has now received $3.35 million in funding from government, industry stakeholders and research bodies to proceed with scoping its development.

Earlier this year, ISC and a range of other leading agrifood stakeholders announced plans to scope the development of an Australian AgriFood Data Exchange (AAFDX), a secure way to exchange vital information throughout the agriculture and agribusiness supply chain.

Initiated by ISC and KPMG Australia, the project has now received $3.35 million in funding from government, industry stakeholders and research bodies that will enable the scoping of its development over the coming years.

The data exchange explained

If the business case stacks up for a data exchange to be built, the aim will for the AAFDX will serve as an adaptable, innovative digital platform providing:

  • the exchange of data between industry participants, with their permission
  • timely access to information that supports decision making for the value chain
  • standardised, consistent industry data assets
  • increased transparency of industry data for multiple purposes, such as ensuring compliance with industry regulations.

Driving development

According to ISC CEO Jane Weatherley, ISC is proud to be working in collaboration with KPMG Australia and the number of significant like-minded partners now involved in the project.

“ISC is really committed to continue to be a key driver within this initiative in collaboration with KPMG Australia,” Jane said.

“ISC provided the initial seed funding to support the initial phase of the project, which included extensive industry consultation to co-design a vision and validate support for the establishment of an Australian AgriFood Data Exchange."

“What became apparent throughout this process was the opportunity this presented to the whole of the Australian food and agriculture sector.”

“We are now really delighted by the number of collaboration partners across government and industry that have come together with a shared vision to invest together to bring the Australian AgriFood Data Exchange to life by co-developing a business case that will underpin potential development in the future,” she added.

Future benefits of the data exchange

Some key, practical ways the AAFDX will seek to benefit industry include:

  1. Centralising data (e.g. certifications) to ensure compliance with industry requirements can be proven and checked in a fast, easy manner
  2. Merging data sources to enable the source of any contamination or the presence of pests to be identified
  3. Enabling benchmarking data to be shared with any required parties in the industry for comparison and decision making
  4. Providing the data to depict the full story of produce on its journey through to the consumer, including details from each point in the supply chain (e.g. the product’s certifications, origins or exposure to chemicals).

Support for the AAFDX

The project has now received $3.35 million in funding from government, industry stakeholders and research bodies, including:

  • Tier one supporters Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA), Charles Sturt University, the Food and Agribusiness Growth Centre (FIAL) and the Australian Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment (DAWE)
  • Tier two supporters Fisheries Research Development Corporation and Agriculture Victoria
  • Tier three supporters Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) and the WA Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD)
  • Tier four supporters Australian Wool Innovation (AWI).

Additional supporters include the NSW government, Cotton Research Development Corporation, AgriFutures, Australian Eggs, Elders Rural, Federation University, Grower Group Alliance, Australian Plant Phenomics Facility, Dairy Australia, VineHealth, Australian Wool Exchange, Geraldton Fishermans Co-operative, Western Rock Lobster Council, NSW Wine Industry, Wine Australia and the Australian Packaging Convenant Organization.

The Honourable Andrew Robb AO has been appointed Independent Chairman to lead the governance and direction of the project.

More information

For more information, or to register interest in being part of the Australian AgriFood Data Exchange, visit the OzData webpage on the ISC website.