Multiple Property Identification Codes (PICs): what are your responsibilities

One owner, two properties: what are your responsibilities?

13 July 2021
-Min Read
  • If you move livestock between two properties you own with different PICs (for example, the livestock are transported by vehicle from one property to the other), this movement must be recorded in the NLIS database. You will also need to complete a Livestock Production Assurance (LPA) NVD.
  • When completing an LPA NVD to transport livestock between two properties that you own, you must ensure that the consigned to and destination sections of the NVD are completed correctly.  

Are you regularly moving livestock between multiple properties that you own? Read on to find out your integrity requirements.  

Recording livestock movements between properties you own  

You need to record a livestock movement between two properties that you own on the National Livestock Identification System (NLIS) database if the property identification code (PICs) of the two properties are different, and there is a distinct movement of livestock between these two properties (for example, a mob of cattle are transported by vehicle from one property to the other). An LPA NVD must also be completed.

If livestock continually graze between your own neighbouring/adjacent properties with different PICs, you may not need to record that movement on the NLIS database. However, always check the specific requirements for your state or territory for managing PICs to ensure you are complying with state or territory regulations.  

In some states, if you own two properties with separate PICs, you can amalgamate these separate PICs into a single PIC. This is usually allowed if the properties are close by and are managed as a single business.  Check the requirements for your state or territory for managing PICs to see if this is possible for your business. 

If you move or graze livestock between two properties you own that have the same PIC, you do not need to record this movement on the NLIS database or complete an LPA NVD, but may need to complete a movement document (e.g. waybill or Transported Stock Statement) to comply with your state requirements.

Livestock Production Assurance (LPA) program auditors check the identification devices (e.g. ear tags) that have been issued to a PIC and the movements that have been recorded onto and off the PIC when completing an LPA audit. Failure to complete NLIS transfers could be recorded as a non-conformance by the auditor and may lead to the suspension of a producer’s LPA accreditation, removing access to LPA National Vendor Declarations (NVDs). 

Completing NVDs when transporting livestock between properties that you own 

When transporting livestock between two properties with the same PIC an LPA NVD does not need to be completed but a movement document (e.g. waybill or Transported Stock Statement) may be required by your state.1

You always need an LPA NVD when transporting livestock by vehicle between properties that you own if the properties have different PICs and you must ensure that the ‘consigned to’ and ‘destination’ sections of the NVD are completed correctly.  

In the consigned to section of the NVD, you must record your name or business, along with the address of your home property or business, on the lines indicated.  

Then fill in the destination section of the NVD with the address of the property where you are sending your livestock. If this is the same address as your home property, you can leave this section blank on a paper NVD. Or, if completing an eNVD, check the ‘Livestock are being consigned to the same location’ box in the ‘Who they are being consigned to’ section and leave the ‘Where they are being transported to’ section blank.  

If the property you are sending your livestock to is a different address to your home property, you must fill out the address of the property the livestock are being transported to in the destination section of the NVD, or the ‘Where they are being transported to’ section if completing an eNVD. 

More information about ‘consigned to’ versus ‘destination’ is available here.


1. When transporting livestock, a waybill is required by law in all states except Victoria. Part B of the LPA NVD satisfies these state movement documentation requirements, except in the Northern Territory (NT). The NT only accepts the NT waybill as its mandatory movement document.

ISC Customer Service is available on 1800 683 111 or at for more information or assistance with NVDs, eNVDs and the NLIS database.  

Watch this video to learn how to complete the LPA NVD correctly. If you need to complete an LPA NVD in a hurry, the eNVD system is available 24/7 to create a digital version of the NVD using a computer, tablet or mobile phone. Watch this video to learn how to use an eNVD.