One-stop shop for all your ISC products and services

One-stop shop for all your ISC services

13 July 2021
-Min Read
  • ISC’s products and services can now be accessed through the online catalogue in myMLA.  
  • A range of new ISC offers and products are also available through the catalogue.  
  • Fees have been reinstated for several key ISC products and services available through the catalogue, including LPA accreditation fees, NVD books and MSA declarations.  
  • Access the catalogue by signing in to myMLA. More information on myMLA and the new catalogue is available here.  

This month, Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA) launched a new online catalogue of its products and services that red meat producers and other stakeholders can access from one easy location within the myMLA online platform.  

This catalogue is the new way producers can access MLA and Integrity Systems Company(ISC)’s paid products and services such as LPA NVD books, LPA accreditation/reaccreditation fees, LPA NVD/MSA books, and attendance at several producer and advisor events.     

Why the catalogue has been launched 

The launch of the catalogue coincides with the conclusion of MLA’s Accelerated Adoption Initiative (AAI), which provided temporary relief for costs incurred for the delivery of key MLA and ISC products and services from 25 November 2019 until 30 June 2021.  

The catalogue groups MLA and ISC products and services in user-friendly bundles to enable producers to have quick and easy access to what is relevant to them.  

Stakeholders often use several MLA/ISC products and services, rather than just one. MLA has created the new catalogue on myMLA as a single login point so it's easier for stakeholders to access these products and services all in one place. The new catalogue also showcases current discounts and promotions MLA is offering, including a range of discounts for MLA members.   

Pricing changes for ISC products and services 

Fees for several ISC products and services available through the catalogue were reinstated from 1 July 2021 as the AAI concluded, to support our continued delivery of integrity services. Pricing will be:  

  • Three-year Livestock Production Assurance (LPA) accreditation/reaccreditation fee ($90 + GST) 
  • LPA National Vendor Declaration (NVD) hard copy books ($55+ GST for 10 forms, $65 + GST for 20 forms) 
  •  MSA-only Vendor Declaration hard copy books ($23 + GST for 25 forms).  

The price increase for hard copy NVD and MSA books is the first in seven years and is necessary to cover increased expenses associated with printing and postage.  

LPA NVDs and all other consignment paperwork including MSA declarations and national health declarations can be completed online for free using the eNVD system. Log in to your LPA account via myMLA to start using eNVD to create consignments. Follow the instructions in ISC’s eNVD how-to guide to complete your consignments using the eNVD system. 

New promotional offers, products and services  

A range of new ISC products and offers are also now available for producers to purchase at a discounted rate through the catalogue in myMLA. These products and offers include:  

  • a new combined LPA/MSA Vendor Declaration Book for MSA-accredited producers (MSA declarations will be included in your LPA NVD book purchase for the same cost of an NVD) ($55 + GST for 10 LPA and 10 MSA forms, or $65 + GST for 20 LPA and 20 MSA forms) 
  • a ‘go digital with eNVDs’ offer, which provides producers with a $30 discount on their LPA accreditation or reaccreditation fee along with unlimited access to free eNVDs. 

The LPA offline reaccreditation pack ($20 + GST) can only be purchased via our customer service team (see 'More help’ below) for producers who are unable to complete their LPA accreditation online. 

Accessing the catalogue 

The new catalogue can be found on the myMLA home page. You can sign up for free to myMLA. As well as the catalogue, myMLA includes:  

  • a single sign-on facility to your NLIS, LPA, NVDs, LDL and MSA accounts, enabling you to easily switch between your accounts and access products such as NVDs and LPA accreditation/reaccreditation
  • a localised seven-day weather forecast  
  • customised market information based on your livestock species and location  
  • local events 
  • industry news.  

If you already have a myMLA account, you can log in to myMLA as per usual to access the new catalogue. For more information and assistance with myMLA, please visit the MLA website.  

Linking your industry accounts to myMLA 

From myMLA you can link your additional industry programs (LPA, MSA, LDL, NLIS) to your myMLA account, allowing you to access each system using the same login.  

Linking your LPA and MSA accounts is also necessary to purchase integrity systems products such as NVDs, MSA declarations and LPA accreditation/reaccreditation.  

You can do this via the ‘Linked Accounts’ menu item at the top of the page. Once you have clicked on ‘Link account’, you will be prompted to enter your login credentials for that system to link that account to myMLA. You can add more than one account for each system (e.g. NLIS or LPA) that you use. Watch this video for more help with linking your industry accounts to myMLA. 

Becoming an MLA member 

MLA membership is free to levy paying producers of cattle, sheep and/or goats. By becoming a MLA member, you can access discounts and promotions available through the catalogue in myMLA as well as a range of other benefits.  

You can sign up to become an MLA member by completing an online application here. Alternatively, you can email or call 1800 023 100.  

More help 

More information about the catalogue is available in our news story. Other information about myMLA is available on the MLA website

If you need further assistance with myMLA, linking your industry accounts or the new catalogue, enter your contact details in this webform and one of our team members will be in touch. Alternatively, ISC Customer Service is available to help on 1800 683 111 from 8am-7pm (Sydney time), Monday to Friday.