Restoring lifetime traceability for livestock you have just transferred in the NLIS

Restoring lifetime traceability for livestock you have just transferred in the NLIS

03 November 2021
-Min Read

I’ve received a loss of LT warning for livestock I have just transferred onto a PIC for someone else. What has happened?

If you receive a loss of LT warning when you complete a livestock transfer for someone else (the PIC holder), these animals were not registered in the NLIS database to the property (PIC) the PIC holder bought or received them from.

What does this mean?

As the movement history is incomplete for these livestock, these animals have now lost LT and you may be required to act to restore LT if this is important to the PIC holder.

Will this loss of LT affect my business?

Each time livestock are moved off a property identification code (PIC), this livestock transfer must be recorded in the NLIS database. More about completing livestock transfers in the NLIS database.

If transfers are not completed each time animals are moved off a PIC, the lifetime traceability of the animals will be lost. In markets like the EU, which require lifetime traceability, animals without LT are not eligible.

If the PIC holder requires their livestock to have LT and you receive a loss of LT warning for their newly purchased livestock, you may be able to restore the LT of these animals in the NLIS database.  If LT is not a requirement for the supply chain they sell into, you are not required to take action.  However, it is important to note that loss of LT could reduce the marketing options for these livestock.

Loss of LT can also impact on the effective management of animal disease or food safety incidents, as past livestock movements will need to be tracked via movement documentation (such as NVDs) rather than via the NLIS database.

How do I fix the problem?

If you receive the LT warning when you transfer livestock onto a PIC for someone else and you need to restore lifetime traceability:

  • Check the correct PIC has been entered in the ‘Vendor PIC’ section in the livestock transfer in the NLIS database.
  • If the incorrect PIC has accidentally been entered in the livestock transfer, follow these instructions to conduct a transfer correction.
  • If the ‘Vendor PIC’ is entered correctly, you can roll the transfer back using the transfer correction process, complete the missing livestock transfer/s and then re-transfer the animals to the new PIC.

You can also contact ISC Customer Service or your local authority for help.  Keep in mind that it is not always possible to resolve the issue if more than one transfer has been missed in the animal’s movement history in the NLIS database.