LPA updates

Streamlining the integrity system: LPA system updates

02 February 2021
-Min Read

Several new updates have been made to Livestock Production Assurance (LPA) accounts to improve functionality for producers.   

These updates are designed to make it easier for producers to create and store LPA records, as well as access important information relating to LPA audits conducted on each of their property identification codes (PICs).  When producers complete LPA NVDs they are declaring that their on-farm practices meet the requirements of the LPA program. Good records and audit history provide the supporting evidence for these declarations. 

Updates to LPA online accounts 

New record keeping features available: 

  • all on-farm LPA management records can now be uploaded and stored online on the producer’s LPA account 
  • templates for all on-farm LPA management records can be accessed from the producer’s LPA account 
  • property risk assessments and farm biosecurity plans can now be completed digitally and stored online in the producer’s LPA account.   

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New remote audit system added 

Producers may now be randomly selected to undergo a remote audit rather than on-farm audit, if they are included in the LPA random audit program.  LPA audits are conducted each year to ensure the management systems utilised by livestock producers are complying with LPA rules and standards. Producers are selected at random from the LPA database of accredited producers and a percentage of those chosen will now have the option to complete the audit remotely. 

If a producer is selected to undergo a remote audit, they now have the option to upload documentation directly to their LPA account as requested by the auditor, in order to satisfy the requirements of the LPA auditing process.   

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Updates to corrective action request (CAR) management from LPA audits 

  • Producers will now receive an alert to identify when a CAR has been issued to them following an LPA audit.  
  • Producers can now upload documentation directly to their LPA account to close out CARs.
  • All previous history of audits conducted and CARs raised for each PIC held by the producer can now be viewed on the producer’s LPA account. 
  • New comment function added to enable producers to communicate with Integrity Systems Company (ISC) operations regarding CARs.   

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