Study finds ways to enhance the eNVD system

Study finds ways to enhance the eNVD system

14 April 2021
-Min Read
  • A study conducted by ISC to investigate potential enhancements to the eNVD system is complete.
  • The results of the study are being used to develop solutions to enable offline capability and provide a more streamlined and user-friendly experience for eNVD.

The Livestock Production Assurance (LPA) electronic National Vendor Declaration (eNVD) is a system for completing all consignment forms digitally, including NVDs, animal health declarations, MSA declarations and NFAS forms.

ISC recently undertook a study to gather insights from members of the red meat supply chain on key enhancements to be made to the eNVD system.

The study examined user activities and experiences surrounding key aspects of livestock movements, including offline use, consignment receival and system access for police, state departments and auditors.

The project was conducted over eight months in 2020 and a total of 51 interviews and 740 individual units of feedback were obtained from participants in the red meat supply chain over the course of the study.

The study provided a range of key insights into the experiences and challenges encountered by producers and other stakeholders in the red meat value chain when moving livestock. The outcomes of the study have highlighted the need to:

  • digitalise, connect and streamline consignment data
  • improve offline capability for the system
  • ensure common scenarios (e.g. multi-vehicle transport of livestock) are catered for by the eNVD system.

A series of improvements are being developed by ISC to respond to these user needs, including a mobile app to enable offline access to the eNVD system as well as to ensure a more streamlined, accurate and user-friendly experience for eNVD users.

Future improvements to the eNVD system may also enable transporters to scan a QR code on a mobile app to receive a copy of the consignment completed for the livestock they are transporting.


Mock up of mobile app showing how transporters could scan a QR code to receive a copy of the consignment


Further studies will be undertaken to investigate the integration of all integrity services – including LPA, the National Livestock Identification System (NLIS) and Livestock Data Link (LDL) – into the one digital solution for producers and other stakeholders in the value chain.

Read more information on the eNVD system.

To complete an eNVD, log in to your LPA account and follow the instructions in the eNVD how-to guide to complete your consignment.

Producers are encouraged to register their interest to participate in future studies to enhance the eNVD system for its users.