Survey shows what producers think about LPA, NLIS and more

Survey shows what producers think about LPA, NLIS and more

05 October 2021
-Min Read
  • ISC’s annual producer survey for 2021 indicates that more producers than ever before are aware of the red meat integrity system and are confident they can meet their integrity requirements to ensure continued market access and advantage for Australian red meat. 
  • The survey found that the number of producers who are aware of ISC has increased by 43% since 2018, with 90% or more of all respondents indicating they feel capable of meeting their requirements under the LPA and NLIS programs.  

Results from ISC’s latest research indicate that more producers than ever before are aware of the red meat integrity system and are confident they can meet their integrity requirements to ensure continued market access and advantage for Australian red meat. 

The results come as positive news to industry, indicating the integrity system will continue to ensure market access and advantage for Australian red meat.

Each year since 2015, ISC has conducted a national survey to gauge producer awareness, understanding, perception and adoption of the red meat integrity system delivered by ISC. This survey helps inform ISC communication and adoption activities for the next year.  

This year, over 2,640 producers participated in the survey, which was conducted online or via computer assisted telephone interview (CATI) throughout the month of June.  

Increasing confidence with integrity 

The survey found that the number of producers who are aware of ISC has increased by 43% since 2018, with 90% or more of all respondents indicating they feel capable of meeting their requirements under the LPA and National Livestock Identification System (NLIS) programs. 

Some of the other key survey findings which indicated increased producer confidence with integrity systems included:  

  • 81% of online respondents and 92% of participants responding via CATI believe that the LPA program provides ‘quite a lot’ to ‘very significant’ value for industry  
  • 99% of all respondents are aware of the NLIS and 93% of all respondents understand their NLIS requirements, up from 89% of all respondents in 2019.

This infographic depicts these results and more:

Using eNVD 

As well as having a strong understanding of the integrity system, producers surveyed were found to have become aware of and adopted integrity system technologies such as the eNVD system at an encouraging pace.  

94% of online respondents and 92% of participants responding via CATI were aware that the eNVD system is available, with 54% of online respondents and 53% of CATI respondents currently using the eNVD system to complete their consignment paperwork. 

Preference for hard copy NVDs as well as internet and computer difficulties continue to present barriers to producers for using eNVDs. A series of improvements are currently being developed by ISC to respond to these user needs, including a mobile app to enable offline access to the eNVD system as well as to ensure a more streamlined, accurate and user-friendly experience for eNVD users. 

Integrity to support industry  

The majority of participants agreed it was critical that information provided to integrity systems including NLIS and LPA is accurate, with an overwhelming number of participants also indicating that they actively comply with integrity program requirements to support industry.  

Furthermore, many producers were found to be accessing the ISC and Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA) websites, as well as ISC Customer Service, for assistance with the red meat integrity system.  

Hear more insights from the 2021 ISC Producer Awareness Survey in this webinar hosted on Monday as part of the MLA updates: IMPACT series

Interested in having your say on improvements to be made to ISC’s products and services?

Join our Producer Testing Panel to register your interest in participating in future studies to enhance integrity products and services including NLIS, LPA, eNVD, LDL and more.