Are you using the right NVD version?

Are you using the right NVD version?

02 February 2021
-Min Read
  • From 1 January 2021, only the current version (0720) of the LPA NVD will be accepted for all species of livestock movements
  • A six week turn-around period for hard copy NVD book orders should continue to be expected, due to high-order volumes and postal delays
  • The eNVD system is always the current version and is available online
  • Failure to use the correct NVD version may affect LPA accreditation. 

Producers are reminded that from 1 January 2021, only the latest version (version 0720) of the Livestock Production Assurance National Vendor Declaration (LPA NVD) will be accepted for all species of livestock being transferred.  

Version 0720 of the LPA NVD has been available for all species since 1 July 2020 and is now the current version of the NVD.  

ISC CEO Dr Jane Weatherley said it was imperative only the current versions of the LPA NVD were used. 

“Transfers completed using incorrect LPA NVD versions are a breach of the LPA rules and standards and may result in corrective action requests (CARs) being issued to the LPA-accredited producer,” Dr Weatherley said.  

Any CARs received as a result of the use of incorrect versions of the LPA NVD must be addressed by the producer in order to ensure they can remain LPA-accredited and access the benefits provided by participation in the program.  

Producers are cautioned that high-order volumes coupled with increased pressure on the postal system as a result of COVID-19 and the Christmas period, have meant that a six week turn-around period for hard copy NVD book orders should continue to be expected.  

In light of such delays, Dr Weatherley encourages producers to access the eNVD system to generate and use the LPA NVD.  

“Red meat producers waiting for books can use eNVD, the faster, easier way to complete livestock consignments, which is always the current version and available online,” Dr Weatherley said.  

“We’ve seen a huge uptake of the eNVD with over 28,000 consignments in January” She said.

Producers can access  eNVDs via their LPA account or using third party software with the eNVD system integrated. A full list of software providers and programs that integrate eNVD is available on the ISC website.  

ISC’s eNVD how-to guide outlines the steps involved in completing consignments using the eNVD system, including how to submit created forms either digitally or in hard copyThe ISC Helpdesk (1800 683 111) can assist producers who do not have access to their LPA credentials, and/or do not have access to the internet on a device/computer by starting the consignment on their behalf. The partly completed PDF forms will then be emailed to the producer or to their agent to assist in printing and completing the consignment in hard copy. In this circumstance it is important to remember to print three copies and ensure all copies are clear, correct and complete.  

Significant user research to develop complete offline capability for eNVD has also been undertaken and is nearing completion. A range of solutions are being investigated to provide offline access to the eNVD system. 

If producers still wish to use a LPA NVD book, orders can be placed via their LPA account where delivery progress can also be tracked. As part of the Accelerated Adoption Initiative, LPA NVD books will be provided at no cost for orders placed before 30 June 2021. 

For further information and assistance regarding LPA NVDs and eNVDs, contact the ISC Helpdesk on 1800 683 111.