What to do if animals registered to your PIC have been moved off someone else’s PIC

What to do if animals registered to your PIC have been moved off someone else’s PIC

03 November 2021
-Min Read

What has happened?

You have received a warning email from the NLIS that animals registered to your PIC have been transferred off another PIC.  Most likely, you received Warning 21A to your email account. This may be because:

  • You sold the animals and the transfer was not completed by the new owner, the saleyards or agent
  • You moved the animals to another property with a different PIC and the transfer was not completed
  • Your animals have strayed to another property/PIC and have inadvertently been transferred from here, to another PIC.

What do I need to do?

If you receive a warning email that animals registered to your PIC have been transferred off another PIC, it is not mandatory to take action but it is recommended you check why this may have occurred.

If you were unaware that these animals were moved off your PIC (e.g. the animals strayed from your property to a neighbour’s property, who then accidentally sold the animals as their own), search the ‘Vendor PIC’ provided in the email in the PIC register to find out who moved the animals.

If you know them, you may be able to contact them directly to resolve the issue or you may need to contact your local state authority to assist. Access this how-to guide to learn how to search the PIC register.