Your integrity checklist for this summer

Your integrity checklist for this summer

07 December 2021
-Min Read
  • It is recommended that producers conduct a PIC reconciliation annually to ensure they have accurate livestock records. Access ISC’s how-to guide to conduct a PIC reconciliation.  
  • Learn how to link your accounts to myMLA to access all your industry accounts – including LPA, NLIS and more – using the one username and password. 
  • A range of LPA record keeping templates are available on the ISC website to help you get your farm records in order.  

This year, ISC hosted the Stand by what you sell webinar series to provide producers with a range of practical tips and tools to help them meet their integrity requirements on-farm.  

As the series concludes for the year and the weather heats up, here are three things you can do this summer to ensure you’re still meeting your integrity requirements and can stand by what you sell.  

1. Conduct a PIC reconciliation 

A PIC reconciliation compares the tags you have on your property with what the NLIS database has recorded for your property.  

ISC recommends producers conduct a PIC reconciliation annually to ensure you have an accurate record of what livestock are on your property, especially after the spring selling season.  

A PIC reconciliation can help you identify what animals have not been transferred off your PIC, animals that have lost tags and animals that you physically have but are not on your property.  

Any discrepancies must be addressed so the database accurately reflects what animals (devices) are on your property.  

To conduct a PIC reconciliation, you must scan all animals on your property as well as the spare NLIS tags you have to generate a file of tag numbers which you can upload to your account in the NLIS database. Access ISC’s how-to guide to learn how to conduct a PIC reconciliation. 

2. Set up myMLA to get one username and password for your LPA and NLIS accounts  

You can now access all your industry accounts – including NLIS, LPA, MSA and LDL– using just one username and password, by linking your accounts to myMLA.  

Linking your LPA account to myMLA is necessary to purchase key integrity products and services including:  

  • LPA NVD books 
  • Three-year LPA accreditation 
  • MSA-only Vendor Declaration hard copy books.  

From 1 July, these items can only be purchased via myMLA. Watch this video or access this printable step-by-step guide to learn how to sign up to myMLA and link your accounts to the service.  

3. Get your farm record keeping up to date 

While the hot weather limits livestock handling and movements, it’s a good idea to check all your farm records are in order to ensure your records meet LPA requirements, so you can maintain your LPA accreditation. 

There is no perfect formula to record keeping and producers can use the record keeping method that works for them as long as all relevant details are accurately and clearly recorded. The LPA record keeping templates include all details that must be recorded to meet each LPA requirement and these templates are now available as Word, PDF and Excel documents that you can download and fill out electronically if you choose to use them.  

You can also choose to upload your records to the ‘record keeping’ section of your LPA account. This enables producers to store all required records in one location and retrieve them as needed, saving time and ensuring easy access to records in the event of an LPA audit. Access ISC’s step-by-step guide to learn how to upload documents to your LPA account, or find out more about farm record keeping tools, tips and requirements.  

For more practical tips and tools to help you meet your integrity requirements, access ISC’s Stand by what you sell webinar recordings available on the ISC website. 

While you’re getting organised for the warmer weather, ISC’s Natural Disaster Response Bulletins are also available on the website to help you prepare for bushfire and flood season.  

More information on record keeping – including all LPA record keeping templates available for use – can be found on this webpage.