Foot and Mouth Disease: What you need to know

Foot and Mouth Disease: What you need to know

08 July 2022
-Min Read

This week, the Australian Government confirmed that cases of Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) had been detected in Bali, Indonesia. Integrity Systems Company (ISC), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA), understand the concerns our producers and industry have surrounding these recent cases of both FMD and Lumpy Skin Disease (LSD), as well as general biosecurity awareness.

Australia is currently free from FMD, and our priority is to keep it that way. At the same time, while we are confident in Australia’s strong biosecurity measures, we aren’t taking anything for granted.

It’s the Australian Government’s responsibility for protecting Australia from these diseases, and the industry is doing everything we can to support their work. 

The Australian government has announced a range of new measures for travellers from Bali into Australia. These include biosecurity detector dogs at airports, additional signage and information about FMD for travellers and staff, as well as biosecurity officers present on all flights from Indonesia to Australia.

The risk of these diseases is at the forefront of industry priorities. There is a very clear and robust plan in place. It’s known as the AUSVETPLAN and you can read more about it online: Emergency response arrangements - Animal Health Australia

MLA, in conjuction with the Australian Government, is working closely with the Indonesian Government and industry via a biosecurity support program to help control the spread of FMD in Indonesia.

Livestock producers are strongly encouraged to be prepared, vigilant and on the lookout. Good biosecurity practices and early detection will be essential to reduce the potential impact of FMD, should it arrive in Australia.

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