Going to a show? Here’s what you need to know

Going to a show? Here’s what you need to know

01 April 2022
-Min Read


When transporting livestock to and from an agricultural show or exhibition, you must ensure you meet your integrity requirements.

These requirements differ according to the legislation in your state or territory and must be adhered to in order to ensure the livestock you produce is safe to eat, fully traceable and in demand.

Particularly, ensuring you have met your requirements around recording livestock movements in the National Livestock Identification System (NLIS) and completing an LPA National Vendor Declaration (NVD) is essential to guaranteeing the integrity of the Australian red meat we produce.

Livestock producers must ensure all livestock transfers off their Property Identification Code (PIC) have been completed in the NLIS database and should request the upload ID if another party is completing the transfer.  All LPA-accredited producers, must complete an LPA NVD every time livestock are moved off their PIC, including to shows and event.  Movement records, transported stock statements and NT waybills do not meet the requirements of the LPA program and cannot be used in place of an LPA NVD (but can be used in addition, if required).

Read on to find out the specific requirements for your state or territory when transporting livestock to and from an agricultural show or exhibition.

Your state or territory requirements when moving livestock to and from a show or exhibition

Click on your state or territory below to find out your requirements. 

Livestock consigned to slaughter after the event

MSA Manual screenshot

To ensure carcase competition cattle can remain MSA eligible producers need to meet the below requirements that are part of the MSA standards.

MSA Led Steer Pathway - In addition to the on-farm responsibilities (as outlined in the MSA Standards Manual for livestock supply):

a) All animals are to be on full feed and water prior to dispatch from the showground

b) All animals to be slaughtered within 24 hours of dispatch from the showground

c) MSA vendor declaration must accompany cattle to the showground and be submitted to the organising committee

d) The showground or other venue must have a MSA producer registration number and provide an MSA vendor declaration for the entire consignment to the abattoir

e) Unled cattle associated with competitions are ineligible for this pathway.

Returning home

When livestock return home from the agricultural show or exhibition, keep in mind that they should be segregated from other animals for a time so they can be monitored for disease, parasites, or an associated spread of weeds. The quarantine period should reflect the potential risk associated with the returning livestock. At a minimum, allow sufficient time for emptying out (24–48 hours) including time off feed before turning out.

More information

Contact your state or territory authority for more information on your integrity requirements when transporting livestock to and from an agricultural show or exhibition.

Access ISC’s NLIS how-to guides or watch this short video to learn how to complete an NVD for more assistance with meeting your integrity requirements. Need an LPA NVD now? Use the eNVD system to create a digital version of the NVD using a computer, tablet or mobile phone.