How PIC reconciliations can protect your integrity

Lost tags? Missing livestock? How PIC reconciliations can protect your integrity

10 May 2022
-Min Read

A PIC reconciliation can help identify:

  • livestock movements that have not been recorded
  • missing livestock
  • animals with lost tags

Detect discrepancies in your records

A property identification code (PIC) reconciliation is a stocktake process where the National Livestock Identification System (NLIS) tags currently on your property are compared to the tags recorded on your PIC in the NLIS database. Completing a PIC reconciliation helps ensure that all livestock transfers have been completed correctly and removes any inconsistencies between your devices and the database information. A PIC reconciliation can only be completed for electronic NLIS tags and will help to identify missing livestock and livestock that have lost their tags. It is recommended that a PIC reconciliation is conducted every 12 months.

How to: Step 1

Once logged into the NLIS database, select the species you are working with and the action ‘PIC reconciliation’. Click ‘Go’. Then click ‘Continue.’

Requirements for a PIC reconciliation

To effectively complete a PIC reconciliation, you must first gather a single file of all NLIS ID/RFID tags on your property. This is done by reading the ID number on an animal’s ear tag (NLIS ID) or scanning the electronic chip inside the device (RFID).

Every tag physically on your PIC must be recorded, including those yet to be applied to livestock. On larger properties, it may take some time for these recordings to be completed, so being consistent with record-keeping is the key to compiling an accurate list of your tags into one master file. A PIC reconciliation cannot be completed paddock by paddock.

Don’t forget to:

  • Scan all unused tags (all devices/tags purchased on your PIC are considered ‘active’ tags. The database does not differentiate between devices/tags applied to animals and those not yet used. This means that all unused tags must be included in the reconciliation).
  • Remove tags from the master file if animals are sold or moved off the PIC before the PIC reconciliation is conducted.
  • Add tags to the master file if animals are purchased or moved onto the PIC.

Which method is best for your operations?

There are two methods to uploading the details to the NLIS database, full details of how to compete either method is available as part of ISC’s updated NLIS How-To guides, which include an instructional video to step you through the process.

  1. Manual data entry – the NLIS ID or RFID details are manually entered into the NLIS database, either by pasting or typing in each NLIS or RFID number or list of numbers. The results of the reconciliation will be presented on the website immediately, outlining any discrepancies within your records. The database will then assist you in taking necessary actions to fix these discrepancies. This method is ideal for PICs with less than 1000 devices/tags.
  1. File upload - This method requires the NLIS or RFID numbers to be uploaded via a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. The results of the reconciliation will be emailed – with up to four spreadsheets attached – outlining any discrepancies and steps to take to remedy them. This will be an efficient option for producers with a larger master file of devices/tags.

PIC reconciliations are an important part of maintaining the integrity of your livestock records. Keeping accurate livestock movement records, including NLIS transfers, is a requirement of your Livestock Production Assurance (LPA) accreditation, and producers should take care to keep their records current to avoid any issues that can come from incorrect information.


For more information and how-to guides on PIC reconciliations, visit the PIC reconciliation web page.