ISC at the MLA Updates

ISC at the MLA Updates

01 November 2022
-Min Read
Join us at the MLA Updates event in Toowoomba, where ISC staff will be on hand to answer your questions and showcase our projects.

Integrity Systems Company is thrilled to be showcasing many of our current and upcoming projects at the annual MLA Updates.

On 30 November 2022, Meat & Livestock Australia will host the 2022 MLA Updates, a day of presentations, displays and demonstrations that will bring levy payers up to speed on investments and progress. 

The event will be held at the Toowoomba Clive Berghofer Events Centre, and will be an opportunity for value chain members to reconnect after a difficult period.

This year, the theme is ‘adopt and accelerate’ highlighting the importance of utilising new research to enhance productivity, quality and sustainability.                                    

ISC will be showcasing several programs as a part of the services hub, which will be operational between 11am-3pm in the Founders Pavilion. Our staff will be available to answer any questions you may have, with information available on all areas of:

  • National Livestock Identification System (NLIS)
  • Livestock Production Assurance (LPA)
  • National Vendor Declarations (NVDs) - along with the electronic edition (eNVDs)
  • Livestock Data Link (LDL)

There will be a display set up to assist with NLIS and LPA, with information on compliance tools, database troubleshooting, tagging, and strategies to ensure traceability and best practice during biosecurity incursions and natural disasters. This is a part of our ‘Stand by what you sell’ program, educating value chain members on their requirements to uphold traceability, quality and customer assurance.

Our brand new electronic National Vendor Declaration (eNVD) mobile app will also be available for preliminary demonstrations, where attendees can try it for themselves, and ask any questions that will help them make the swap from paper to digital consignments. More information on its release is coming in the future.

ISC will be at the MLA Updates and available to assist with any LPA, NLIS and myMLA questions

Staff from ISC and MLA will also be available to assist with questions on myMLA, including linking your LPA, NLIS and MSA accounts.

We at Integrity Systems Company are always happy to help, and ready to provide practical support around our many services and programs. Make sure to keep an eye out for ISC staff at industry events throughout the year – including rural expos, industry body conferences, workshops and more.

For more information on ISC’s events and resources, visit our new Tools & Resources hub.

The MLA Updates are scheduled for 30 November, in Toowoomba’s Clive Berghofer Events Centre. To register before 20 November, visit: MLA Updates Registration

For more information, visit: MLA updates 2022