Moving livestock? Be sure to update the NLIS database

Moving livestock? Be sure to update the NLIS database

06 September 2022
-Min Read

Key points

  • NLIS livestock transfers are a legislative requirement that ensures consumer trust in the industry 
  • Livestock transfers can be entered into the database through either manual entry or file upload 
  • Retaining transfer records will help with audit preparation, PIC reconciliations or incidents of contamination 

Sheep in foreground with truck in the background

Every day, thousands of animals are transported across the country between properties, saleyards and processors to progress through the value chain.  

To ensure lifetime traceability throughout our industry, all physical movements of livestock must be logged and reported to the National Livestock Identification System (NLIS) database. This is a legislative requirement in each state and territory as a record of movement and is extremely important during major biosecurity incidents.  

To move livestock and record a transfer, producers must have a Property Identification Code (PIC) to classify the origin and destination of the livestock. A movement is typically defined as a stock transfer from one distinct PIC to another to reflect the physical location of the animal. However, it is important to understand how each state manages their PIC classifications and livestock transfers.  

The person responsible for updating the NLIS database varies depending on the situation. However, a movement needs to be recorded on the NLIS database by a producer when: 

  • You have purchased animals privately and need to complete the transfer as the receiver of the livestock. 
  • You own more than one property with different PIC numbers and need to transfer livestock between your own PICs. 
  • You have sold livestock privately and you want to complete the transfer because the receiver is unable to do so. 
  • You have completed a PIC reconciliation and identified livestock that are physically on your property but are not on your NLIS account. You will need to transfer these animals to your PIC. 

In order to complete an NLIS transfer through the online database, you will need: 

  • NLIS ID or RFID number 
  • PIC numbers of origin and destination 
  • Movement documentation number (Waybill or NVD) 
  • Date of movement 
  • A .csv file with all above details (if using file upload method)  

NLIS and NVD sign at a saleyard with sheep in the background

When livestock are sold or moved to a feedlot, through a saleyard or to an abattoir, it is the responsibility of those parties to notify the movement on the NLIS database. 

However, it is good practice to check all movement records to and from your PIC on the NLIS database - especially those completed by a third party - to make sure the details are correct. Having these records on hand will help you prepare for possible audits, PIC reconciliations or incidents of contamination.  

NLIS transfers can be completed using either manual entry or file upload.

Manual entry

Step 1:

Once logged in, select the species you are working with. Under the ‘notify the database of:’ section select the action 'Livestock moved off my property' or 'Livestock moved onto my property'. Click 'Go'.

manual entry step 1.png

Step 2:

Click ‘type in the details’ and then enter details in the compulsory fields (marked with a red star). Click 'Continue'.

manual entry step 2.png

Step 3:

Confirm all details you have entered are correct, and then submit the information to the database by clicking 'Send'.

manual entry step 3.png

File upload

Step 1:

Once logged in, select the species you are working with. Under the ‘notify the database of:' section select the action 'Livestock moved off my property' or 'Livestock moved onto my property'. Click ‘Go’.

file upload step 1.png

Step 2:

Click on ‘Upload a file’, then click on ‘Choose File’.

A pop-up window will appear for you to browse the files on your computer to locate the .csv file you have prepared with the details to be transferred. Once located, select the file and click ‘Open’.

The NLIS database window will have your file name included, so click ‘Continue’.

file upload step 2.png

Step 3:

Confirm that you have uploaded the correct file by checking the file name, then submit the information to the database by clicking ‘Send’.

file upload step 3.png

Once transfer is completed:

The database will provide a receipt on-screen. It’s recommended to record the Upload ID (or to print this receipt for reference) and click ‘View my transaction’  history to confirm the status of your transaction.

NLIS is Australia's system for livestock identification and traceability during all steps through the value chain. The traceability of our products serves to ensure consumer trust in the industry, and completing a legislated NLIS transfer ensures that the database can track the location of every animal throughout its entire life – this is particularly important during disease and food safety incidents.