Webinar: eNVD app support for livestock agents and administrators

Join the livestock agents and advisors eNVD app webinar

28 April 2023
-Min Read

The electronic National Vendor Declaration (eNVD) Livestock Consignments app is a mobile, offline solution for completing consignments. The eNVD app overcomes connectivity challenges, saves time and prevents errors by enabling digital transfers through the entire supply chain from producer to agent, transporter, saleyard, feedlot and processor.

These webinars will assist agents and advisors in supporting clients and help them switch to digital consignments.

ISC’s team of experts will provide more information about digital consignments, answer questions and include live demonstrations of key scenarios. 

Register now

Registration is essential. Please follow the links below to register. You will receive a calendar invitation with the meeting details once registration is complete.

If you're an agent located in Queensland and missed our webinar on 5 May, please find a link to the recording here.

More information 

To set up training and discuss how this could work for your business, please contact eNVD@integritysystems.com.au.