Celebrating International Women’s Day at ISC

Celebrating International Women’s Day at ISC

08 March 2023
-Min Read

Wednesday March 8 marks International Women’s Day – a day for women across the world to be recognised and celebrated for their contributions and stories. 

At Integrity Systems Company, we are highlighting some of the many women throughout our organisation – both on the farm, and behind the scenes – to showcase how their work impacts the red meat industry and its value chain members.  

Hear from:


Hayley Robinson – Program Manager for Research and Insights 

Hayley Robinson

I oversee the research program at ISC. Part of the Integrity System 2025 strategic plan is looking to make existing systems and services easier to use, looking to leverage technologies to replace or support manual tasks. The research and insights team work to make sure Australia maintains its status as a trusted source of red meat and looking for opportunities to use the data and information we have to support producer decision making.   

What do you enjoy about your work?  

The work is varied and I learn something new every day. I really enjoy the breadth of knowledge and skills in the team.  I'm inspired by the people I work with - both colleagues and the stakeholders. I get to work with passionate people who love the industry and are committed to producing the best red meat in the world. 

Why are you passionate about the red meat industry? 

To be honest - I feel like I always was going to work in the red meat industry. My family is involved in the cattle industry, and I always thought I'd be a vet or work in genetics or reproduction - I even majored in Genetics and Biochemistry at university. My passion was probably channeled to the red meat industry. I was able to link my interest in science with producing high quality food. I found the spot I wanted to focus on which was ensuring Aussie red meat was a global leader. How I do that in my work has evolved over time, but process improvement and innovation have been features of my career that link it all together. 

What's something you want to see in the industry?  

I would love to see our industry own how much it has to offer and value that more. The red meat supply chain offers so many positive things and I don't think we always advocate for ourselves enough. 

What's something big you have worked on recently?  

There is a great project with Charles Sturt University and TerraCipher where we are exploring ways to use on-farm data to predict turn off, grazing requirements and more. This project allows the producer to combine data sources, then have an algorithm estimate animal growth rates based on past research outcomes. I love this because it uses data, existing research and collaboration to help producers make more precise decisions.  

What is some advice you would give women looking to get into the red meat industry?  

Challenge the story you tell yourself about how much you have to offer or if you are adding value. There are so many opportunities and there are inspiring leaders who want to influence change and make a difference. 

Find people who can help you to bridge the gaps or be in your corner when things get tough. For women starting their career, I think mentors or confidants are really important. If you find people who you can discuss challenges, question things with or just ask awkward questions – hold on to them and don't be shy to utilise their support. I have learned and grown so much by having trusted people to bounce ideas off and learn from. 
For those entering the red meat industry and are bringing experience from elsewhere - don't shy away from your skillset or be intimidated by the industry and the "way things have always been done". The industry needs fresh perspectives and to have the status quo challenged. 


Tamika O’Connell - Project Officer 

Tamika O'Connell

I support the ISC program and project managers in all elements of the setting up, management and co-ordination of projects (and more). 

What do you enjoy about your work?  

I love having the ability to understand what is happening across the business, and supporting program and project managers in the management of projects that provide valuable learnings and outcomes for the red meat industry. My role provides invaluable personal, educational and professional development, through being included in the project management process, and opportunities to be involved in external events, such as the Meat Business Women conference. 

Why are you passionate about the red meat industry?  

The red meat industry is an integral part of Australia's social, economic and physical environment, and continuously strives to be better to promote its prosperity and longevity. I love how committed the industry is to the welfare of livestock and the environment, placing these at the centre of all that it does. The red meat industry is unique in that the people within it, despite any differences, are all passionate in contributing to the broader narrative of promoting the importance of the red meat and broader agriculture industry. 

What's something you want to see in the industry?  

I am excited to be a part of the development and innovation of on-farm productivity, particularly in the extensive Northern beef systems, and how the adoption of current ISC and MLA products, technologies and tools will positively impact the industry. 

What's something big you have worked on recently?  

My role allows me to be involved in many of ISC's projects. Some of my favourites include myFeedback and the current trials for implantable RFID for cattle. 

What is some advice you would give women looking to get into the red meat industry?  

Take the leap! Whether you're looking to start a degree or gain practical experience, the red meat industry provides so much opportunity and growth for women, catering to all skills, abilities and interests. There are no limitations for women in this industry. 


Nicole Stocken – Executive Assistant to the ISC CEO 


I am Executive Assistant to ISC’s CEO, Jane Weatherley, and help make sure our organization is running smoothly. 

What do you enjoy about your work?  

I like being the go-to person, solving problems, playing tetris with calendars, bringing people together and breaking everyone's inbox up with a bit of holiday trivia and fun facts! I also love our team, the culture at MLA/ISC and the passion that lies in the industry. 

Why are you passionate about the red meat industry? 

I am passionate because everyone around me is so passionate – it's contagious! Everyone is working towards a common goal to better the industry and that is great to be a part of. 

What's something you want to see in the industry? 

More people wanting to consume red meat and affordability for all. Through conversations I’ve had with friends and family costs seem to be a massive barrier for consumption.  

What's something big you have worked on recently? 

Last year I attended the MLA Updates which was really rewarding and exciting to be part of. This year I'll be volunteering at the Sydney Royal Easter Show which is equally exciting. 

What is some advice you would give women looking to get into the red meat industry? 

Do it! If you don't want to work on-farm, work in an office and get involved in everything. The best way to learn is by jumping right in and there's a bunch of wonderful and supportive women (and men) surrounding you that can show you the ropes. 


Jessira Saunders - Product Strategy Manager for Livestock Assurance and Feedback 

Jessira Saunders

My core role involves looking after the product/program strategies and future planning for ISC's Livestock Production Assurance (LPA) and Livestock Data Link(LDL) /myFeedback systems, ensuring that I have appropriate internal and external engagement to inform the strategies, roadmaps and future planning. 

What do you enjoy about your work? 

I love interacting with all the different people in the departments in ISC. Work becomes easy when you enjoy who you work with. I also enjoy that every day is different with new challenges and wins. 

Why are you passionate about the red meat industry? 

I grew up on a farm and around the industry my whole life – I can't imagine spending my life working in any other industry. I love the fact that even the small tasks we complete contribute to a billion dollar industry that in my honest opinion is the best in the world. 

What's something you want to see in the industry? 

Further uptake of data, data systems and online completion of auditing. If we start to move further towards a technological age, we can create greater efficiencies between products and outcomes. 

What's something big you have worked on recently? 

Between changing the LPA accreditation flow to decrease call volumes and the myFeedback build to replace LDL, most of my time is gone. 

What is some advice you would give women looking to get into the red meat industry? 

When you're passionate about something, it's easy to get emotional. Advice I once received was to always remember to put your first response in the draft folder and say/send the second one. 

Get in, get your hands dirty, ask millions of questions and learn as much as you can from whoever you can early on, there are so many knowledgeable people in this industry with long and wholesome histories that a lot of other industries don't have. Treat every challenge that you face as a learning curve and steppingstone to bigger and better things.