Delivering provenance with sheep eIDs

Delivering provenance with sheep eIDs

07 November 2023
-Min Read


Russ Fowler is a seventh-generation sheep producer whose family has been farming in Tasmania’s central highlands since 1825. Today, he runs ‘Bendeveron’, a 3,000-hectare mixed farming enterprise focused primarily on sheep production.

In this short video he explains why he became an early adopter of electronic identification (eID) and how it is helping him efficiently manage the traceability and provenance of each animal in his flock.

How to get started

There are many benefits to using eIDs for sheep and goats, and producers who haven’t already made the shift to electronic tagging should be aware that mandatory eID for sheep and goats has been agreed by all Commonwealth, State and Territory Agriculture Ministers.  

Specific rules apply to each jurisdiction and producers should refer to the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry website for more specific information on these changes and details of the latest implementation plan. 

For further information, please refer to the Accredited Devices List for Sheep and Goats and ISC’s Tools and Resources, together with a list of FAQs about animal tagging.