No service? No problem with the eNVD app

No service? No problem with the eNVD app

21 March 2023
-Min Read
The new eNVD app is here! With online and offline capabilities, the app allows you to complete your eNVDs anywhere, anytime. Read on to find out more.

After extensive testing by producers and supply chain members, ISC has finalised its newest update to the electronic National Vendor Declaration (eNVD) system with the launch of the eNVD Livestock Consignments app. This purpose-built app overcomes connectivity challenges by using QR codes to transfer consignment details end-to-end.

Our red meat industry is forever evolving, and the new eNVD mobile app is an important step towards streamlining livestock consignments. With a greater need for efficiency, accuracy and traceability, NVDs must be able to accommodate any situation – online or offline.

Example of using QR codes to transfer from a producer's device to transporter's device

To get started using the eNVD app:

  1. Create a myMLA account and link your integrity system accounts.
  2. Download the app via the Apple Store or Google Play.
  3. Ensure your receiver (including feedlot, processor, saleyard) and transporter are ready to receive eNVDs.
  4. Create and submit an eNVD through the app, including your receiver and transporter details
  5. If you are offline, you can transfer the consignment through the unique set of QR codes generated by the app. Your transporter will then scan these codes with their app – this will sync the information.
  6. The transporter completes their details and declaration via their own eNVD app.
  7. On arrival at the destination, the transporter transfers the consignment to the receiver. If they are offline, they will do this via the QR code system.

The app autofills your form by drawing information from the PIC register and the NLIS database. This functionality makes the process faster and more efficient.

Adding Northern Territory PICs

We recently fixed an issue in regards to adding Northern Territory (NT) Property Identification Codes (PICs) in the eNVD app.

For those users who need to add NT PICs, please ensure you have updated the app to the latest version V1.4.34.

Benefits for your business

Simpler for your business

At times, paper NVDs can arrive as unreadable, ruined or missing entirely. With eNVDs, everything is easy to read, transfer and understand.

Storing paper forms can take up space and make it more difficult to find what you need. The eNVD app reduces the burden of storing and retrieving historical consignments for auditing, reporting and administrative purposes, keeping everything organised in one place.

By using the eNVD app, you also receive a $30 discount on your LPA reaccreditation.

Faster to complete

The eNVD app also holds data for several forms, including:

  • Livestock Production Assurance NVDs
  • Meat Standards Australia Vendor Declarations
  • National Health Declarations
  • National Feedlot Accreditation Scheme forms.

The app also prevents users from continuing to the next section until all necessary questions are answered. This, along with the autofill feature, means that all questions will be answered and submitted accurately across multiple forms – saving time, reducing mistakes and ensuring all required information is provided. For regular consignments, templates can be created to reduce repetition when moving livestock to the same destination.

Better connected to the database

With the eNVD app, your forms are always available and up-to-date – without having to order new NVD books.

Users can easily switch between the eNVD website platform and the mobile app – meaning new consignments created on the website will be available in the app, and vice versa. Even when transferring your consignments through the offline QR code system, once your devices are in service, the data will be immediately submitted to the LPA database.

If you would still like to keep hard copies of your NVDs, the consignments submitted via the app or online platform can be printed at any time. However, receivers of NVDs – such as saleyards, processors and live export facilities – can increase efficiencies by transferring data immediately and directly to their online databases through the eNVD system.

Getting the eNVD app

The app can be downloaded for free through the Apple Store and Google Play Store.

    Get on Google Play

ISC has a suite of eNVD app promotional and ‘how-to’ resources available for all supply chain sectors.

Everyone in the supply chain has a responsibility to the integrity of the red meat industry. Digital consignments increase the accuracy of data – strengthening our assurance, traceability and integrity.

Video how-to guides on using the eNVD app

The reviews so far

Early adopters of the app have praised its convenience and usability:

“You can create an eNVD in your house and finish it at the yards. With the app, it's one click, and all of the data is there with none of the hassle of faxing papers back and forth. Auditors can see the traceability, and it will be far easier from here on out.”
Grant Coleman, General Manager – NH Foods, Oakey

“It’s the convenience of it all. It’s one platform where all of our documentation is kept – eNVD, MSA, Feedlot Accreditation, everything. People can make changes, they can set up the following week’s transports, and if things go wrong at the plant, we can also change those. At the end of the day, it’s still an NVD. Instead of using a pen, you’re using a mouse, is all.”
Tony Fitzgerald, General Manager – NH Foods, Whyalla Beef

“It’s flexible. It's not a big issue if you make a mistake on your app. If you've said you’re transporting 600 sheep but you've only got 599, it's not a big issue. You can change that later and it will come to the truck and update for anyone who needs the information.”
Wade Lewis, Operations Manager - STOCKTRANS

Panel discussion during the launch of the eNVD app at myMLA updates

Above: Panel discussion at the eNVD app launch at myMLA Updates in November 2022. From left-to-right: ISC CEO Jane Weatherley, Grant Coleman, General Manager – NH Foods, Oakey, Tony Fitzgerald, General Manager – NH Foods, Whyalla Beef and Wade Lewis, Operations Manager - STOCKTRANS.