Ten frequently asked eNVD app questions

Ten frequently asked eNVD app questions

15 August 2023
6-Min Read

FAQs PIC.jpg

1. How will the eNVD app benefit those who live in areas with limited mobile coverage? 

2. The eNVD app seems to struggle with syncing my property identification code (PIC) list. How can I resolve this issue? 

3. Can the eNVD app be used for multiple PICs?

4. Can the eNVD app be downloaded onto multiple mobile devices for different users? 

5. Are we able to have multiple users on different devices for the same NLIS account?  

6. Do you plan to integrate eNVD data with the existing NLIS reports?

7. Can I print out eNVDs for transporters who aren’t on the app? 

8. I’m having trouble identifying the PIC for the saleyard I’m consigning to. How can I find it? 

9. Can I still use the hard copy NVD books?

10. Can additional paperwork be attached to my eNVD?

Q1: How will the eNVD app benefit those who live in areas with limited mobile coverage?  

A1: The eNVD app allows you to create a livestock consignment without mobile service or a wi-fi connection. You can fill it in and have the transporter complete their details on your device, and then digitally provide the form to your transporter via the QR code scanning feature, all without the need for internet access.  

Consignments submitted offline will move to a pending state. It is important that when you are back in range you open the app to allow pending consignments to upload to the eNVD platform and become available to the receiver prior to stock arrival. Integrity Systems Company (ISC) is working on a solution that will allow this to happen automatically but at this stage that is not available. 

If your transporter has a myMLA registered email address, you can enter it and when the transporter comes back into a service area, the consignment details will sync once the app is opened. 

Q2: The eNVD app seems to struggle with syncing my PIC list. How can I resolve this issue?  

A2: An earlier version of the app had a sync issue, but this was resolved in the latest update. Please uninstall your current version and install the latest release (version 1.4.44). 

Syncing will be a little slow the first time you open the app, so you will need to wait a few minutes for this to complete.  

If you already have the latest version but are still experiencing problems, try uninstalling the app and then reinstalling it again. If this doesn’t resolve the issue, please contact us on 1800 683 111 or via email eNVD@integritysystems.com.au. In the meantime, you can continue to complete your eNVDs on the web-based system through the LPA website.   

Q3: Can the eNVD app be used for multiple PICs?  

A3: Yes, the app supports multiple PICs. To associate more than one PIC, please log in to your myMLA account on a PC and click on Linked Accounts. You will be able to add additional LPA (Livestock Production Assurance) or NLIS (National Livestock Identification System) accounts under your myMLA login. If you need more help, ISC has produced this guide to show you How to create a new myMLA account and link your accounts.  

Once you have linked your multiple PICS PICs to your myMLA account, you’ll be able to see them as separate cards at the top of the screen in your eNVD app. Swipe between the different cards to see each of the PICs.  

Q4: Can the eNVD app be downloaded onto multiple mobile devices for different users?  

A4: Yes, you can download the app on multiple devices and share the same login via multiple mobile devices. Please take appropriate precautions when sharing any account credentials.  

Q5: Are we able to have multiple users on different devices for the same NLIS account?   

A5: Yes, one NLIS account can be linked to multiple myMLA accounts and used across different devices. Please take appropriate precautions when sharing any account credentials.  

Q6: Do you plan to integrate eNVD data with the existing NLIS reports?  

A6: At this stage, the eNVD and NLIS systems remain separate. This means the receiver of the livestock still needs to record the transfer in the NLIS database. ISC is conscious of this overlap and is keen to improve integration between these platforms. We’ll keep users up to date with any proposed changes as they develop. 

Q7: Can I print out eNVDs for transporters who aren’t on the app?  

A7: Yes. If your transporter is not ready to accept digital consignments, you can send a copy of the eNVD by SMS, email, or print. You can also share the eNVD with anyone else via email or SMS. This how-to guide explains How to share an eNVD. 

If your transporter (or anyone else you consign to) is not yet using the app, you can encourage them to download it or visit eNVD app help to get started. 

Q8: I’m having trouble identifying the PIC for the saleyard I’m consigning to. How can I find it?  

A8: All saleyards will have a PIC. If you are unsure of the correct PIC number, you can either contact the saleyard or use the PIC search function within the app.  

To help you search for a particular destination type, we have included a filter function when searching for a PIC in the eNVD app. Simply click on the filter button, then select your state and saleyard to narrow down your search results. If necessary, you can narrow the search results further by typing in the suburb name.  

If you are still unable to locate the PIC, please contact the saleyard directly and ask them to advise the correct PIC for your consignment.   

Q9: Can I still use the hard copy NVD books? 

A9: Yes, you still have the option to purchase paper NVD books even if you also use the eNVD app. There is no intention to phase out the NVD books, at this stage. However, ISC has worked to make the eNVD mobile app as simple to use as possible and encourages you to try it, even if your property has limited internet connection. The app is free and any changes automatically update for eNVD users, removing the need to purchase new NVD books with the updated information.   

If you need help getting started or using the app once you’ve downloaded it, please contact eNVD@integritysystems.com.au for assistance. You can also complete your eNVDs on the web-based system through the LPA website.  

Q10: Can additional paperwork be attached to my eNVD?  

A10: This feature is not currently available in the mobile app, however we are working on making this feature available very soon.  

For more information on LPA eNVD, visit: