2024 achievements: ISC’s year in review

2024 achievements: ISC’s year in review

22 December 2024
-Min Read


eNVD – new updates, show success and industry adoption

  • ISC’s 2024 kicked off with the launch of a range of eNVD system updates in February to align the web-based system and mobile app and make the system more accessible for different user types.
  • This was supported by an extensive communications campaign through a combination of demonstration webinars, social media, Integrity Matters articles and videos.
  • It was also a big year for the eNVD at two of Australia’s largest agricultural shows. In a bid to reduce the influx of paper NVD forms, Sydney’s Royal Easter Show and Brisbane’s Ekka worked with ISC to ensure eNVDs were the order of the day for all incoming cattle. We look forward to working with other agricultural show societies around Australia to continue this uptake.
  • ISC co-funds five Digital Product Officers (DPOs) with various red meat processors around Australia with three new DPOs commencing this year.
  • We collaborated with Martins Stock Haulage to train drivers and implement business processes that would enable their drivers and office staff to accept paperless eNVD transfers.
  • Rounding out the year, ISC won a traceability grant to complete a broader industry-wide review of the National Vendor Declaration commencing in 2025.


eNVD integration with the current NLIS – simplifying processes

  • In September ISC embarked on its next key update for the eNVD which involves integrating it with the current NLIS database.
  • Once complete, livestock receivers will have the option to automatically update transfers on the NLIS, effectively simplifying the current two-step process into one.
  • This feature is tracking for full delivery in the first six months of 2025.


NLIS Database Uplift Project – 2024 was big, but 2025 will be bigger!

  • This has been a huge year for the $22.5 million six-stage project to uplift the National Livestock Identification System (NLIS) database.
  • The project is now in Stage 4 which will focus on building the uplifted system based on the system architecture and design that was finalised during Stage 3.
  • Stakeholders continue to be engaged across the project, and this will continue as we track towards a 30 June 2026 completion.
  • Learn more here or email nlisuplift@integritysystems.com.au if you have specific questions or feedback for the dedicated project team.


Making the current NLIS eID ready

  • Whilst significant work was devoted to uplifting the NLIS, it was a similar story for ensuring the current 24-year-old NLIS database can handle the data volumes that will flow when sheep and goat electronic identification (eID) rolls out on 1 January 2025.
  • ISC’s technical team successfully completed a series of major back-end updates to enhance capacity and performance and move the database from MLA-hosted servers to the cloud. This work ensures the NLIS has the capacity to efficiently handle increased demand.


Sheep and goat eID communications – getting the message out

  • Ensuring sheep and goat producers around Australia are aware of the 1 January 2025 rollout of mandatory electronic identification (eID) has been another key focus of ISC’s Communications team this year.
  • This has involved updating how-to guides on the NLIS database for sheep and goat movements and reports, as well as running 12 webinars over the year to support the rollout, producing two eID explainer videos and developing five articles for the Integrity Matters newsletter.
  • The team has also worked with the states and territories and the Sheep & Goat Traceability Task Force to ensure messaging alignment.


Harvested Rangeland Goats – a tag-free mob-based movement pathway

  • The Livestock Production Assurance program also gained a new voluntary module in September to enable tag-free movements of Harvested Rangeland Goats (HRGs) following the rollout of electronic identification (eID).
  • This accreditation, once approved by the respective state or territory government, enables harvested rangeland goats to be moved as a mob-based movement on the NLIS if they are going direct to slaughter or via one registered goat depot.
  • New Goat and HRG NVDs were launched to support the changes.


Livestock Production Assurance – accreditation revamp

  • The launch of the new Self-Assessment tool for accreditation and reaccreditation in the Livestock Production Assurance (LPA) program was another key milestone for ISC in September.
  • The new tool offers tailored education for producers and there is also the option to download a personalised Recommendations Report upon completion.
  • The tool prompts producers to complete a Biosecurity Plan with 12,109 new plans generated during its first three months.


EUDR reforms – ensuring European market access

  • In another boost for LPA, a new solution has been developed to support cattle producers looking to export beef or beef products to the European Union following the commencement of the European Union Deforestation Regulation on 31 December 2025.
  • After months of consultation and behind the scenes work, the LPA team finalised a solution to allow cattle producers to share geolocation information in December.  


Customer Experience Team – major award win

  • In September, ISC’s outstanding Customer Experience team was named a winner in the Australian Business Awards’ Customer Experience Management Category. The win reflected the team’s impressive CX performance, with customer effort decreasing from 50% to 28% and customer satisfaction rising from 87% to 97%.
  • This award recognised the team’s approach to process innovation, which has significantly reduced customer effort and led to a drop in call volumes.
  • In October, the CX team launched a seven-day call centre service to better support customers throughout the year.


myFeedback – Livestock Data Link replaced

  • Following the development of the new myFeedback tool, an industry-first single-source data program, which combines carcase and eating quality data with animal disease and defect insights, ISC’s Livestock Data Link tool was decommissioned.
  • MLA’s Meat Standards Australia team looks after myFeedback and more information is available here.