Accreditation pathway for tag-free HRGs now available

Accreditation pathway for tag-free HRGs now available

27 October 2024
-Min Read

Earlier this month, the Livestock Production Assurance (LPA) program introduced a new voluntary accreditation module and National Vendor Declaration (NVD) for harvested rangeland goat (HRG) owners and registered goat depots. 

The new voluntary module creates an approval pathway enabling LPA accredited producers who capture HRGs and registered goat depots to continue consigning mob-based and device-free movements of eligible HRGs. 

LPA Accredited producers and registered goat depots must obtain accreditation in the new LPA HRG module prior to 1 January 2025 if they wish to access the new HRG NVD and participate in device-free movements once mandatory sheep and goat electronic identification (eID) comes into effect nationally from 1 January 2025. 

What is a harvested rangeland goat?

A harvested rangeland goat is a goat that:

  • has been captured from a wild state
  • has not been born as a result of a managed breeding program
  • has not been subjected to any animal husbandry procedure or treatment.

Harvested rangeland goats can only be moved direct from capture to one registered goat depot or direct to a processor for slaughter.

Goats that are managed in any way or moving to another property, feedlot or more than one registered goat depot are not eligible to be moved device-free on the HRV NVD.

About the HRG LPA module

The HRG module is voluntary and only available to LPA-accredited producers who have indicated they manage goats and registered goat depots. 

It was developed to allow eligible HRGs to continue to be moved without an eID on a HRG NVD and continue to be recorded as a mob-based movement in the NLIS database.

ISC sends all applications for accreditation in the HRG module to the relevant state or territory agriculture department for approval. If approved, a fee of $90.00 (plus GST) is payable and this will be pro-rated based on the producer’s LPA renewal date. This fee is in addition to the standard LPA two-year accreditation fee of $90 (plus GST).

All applications must be approved and paid for prior to using the HRG National Vendor Declaration (NVD) or eNVD from 1 January 2025.

HRG accreditation requires an audit once every two years to ensure only eligible harvested rangeland goats are being traded device-free.

New Harvested Rangeland Goats NVDs/eNVDs

The existing Goat NVD has been updated to remove reference to HRGs and tag-free movements.

Please note: Goat NVD books (version 0720) will be invalid from 1 July 2025.

A new HRG electronic NVD has been developed and will be available to HRG-accredited participants free of charge via the eNVD web-based system and mobile application once accredited. New HRG NVD printed books are now available for purchase and can be ordered online.

HRG NVDs can only be used when consigning eligible harvested rangeland goats to one registered goat depot or direct to an abattoir for slaughter. Any consignments that contain goats that do not meet HRG requirements must be tagged with an eID and a Goat NVD form or eNVD must be used. Misuse of the HRG NVD or accreditation in the HRG module will be investigated through an audit and accreditation can be withdrawn.

To learn more about the eNVD web-based system and mobile app, please visit ISC’s eNVD help page.

To download the eNVD mobile app on the App Store, please click here. For Android users, please click here.

More information 

Register for a Goat-specific webinar on Wednesday 19 November at 7pm (AEDT) which will explain these changes. Read the flyer for more information.

Read this HRG LPA Factsheet and this general information flyer 

Refer to new HRG information webpage on the ISC website for more detail. 

Contact ISC’s Customer Service team 7 days a week on 1800 683 111 or email