Natural disasters: top tips for planning and recovery

Natural disasters: top tips for planning and recovery

03 January 2023
-Min Read
With floods, bushfires and other disasters more prevalent than ever, know what you can do to protect your stock and property.

Property with flood water

Key points:

  • Make sure you have plans in place for natural disasters – including bushfires, floods and cyclones.
  • ISC supplies Natural Disaster Bulletins to provide information and guides to protect your property.
  • Contact your state/territory department of agriculture for further assistance with natural disaster recovery....

Over the past few years, several devastating natural disasters have affected Australia’s livestock producers. Bushfires, floods, drought and cyclones have caused significant damage to crops, pastures and infrastructure, as well as impacts to livestock welfare, producer profit and lifetime traceability of livestock.

Protecting your property and preparing for these events will help you to maintain lifetime traceability of livestock and reduce biosecurity risks. By continuing to comply with the requirements of the National Livestock Identification System (NLIS) and Livestock Production Assurance (LPA) program, the after-effects of these events can also be easier to control.

Managing biosecurity and disaster management

Biosecurity risks increase quickly during and after a natural disaster, particularly when livestock and disease can readily move and spread during flood events.

Flood image

LPA-accredited producers should review and update their biosecurity plans to include the risks associated with natural disasters. Records should be kept on all feed introduced to the property as well as which livestock received it.

If livestock have been displaced to neighbouring properties, producers should consider the biosecurity risks around pests and disease for their own property before animals are brought home. Recommended practices included on the LPA farm biosecurity plan template that should be considered include:

  • where practical, segregate, observe and treat returning livestock as required
  • document feral animal, wildlife and weed control plans as required
  • identify biosecurity activities to be undertaken over the next 12 months
  • undertake regular property inspections for actual or potential biosecurity issues
  • prepare a disaster management plan including:
    • evacuation plans for people and livestock with locations of where to move stock in an emergency. Include a map and possible agistment options
    • plans for the purchase and storage of emergency fodder
    • plans for the provision of safe water if infrastructure is destroyed
    • list of emergency contact details: fire brigade, local council, state department of primary industry, local vet, emergency animal disease hotline 1800 675 888
    • ongoing management to ensure that livestock are effectively identified and that stock transfers, stock registers and livestock vaccinations are up to date.

For more information on biosecurity within LPA, visit the biosecurity web page.

ISC resources for natural disaster recovery

ISC's Natural Disaster Bulletin

ISC’s Natural Disaster Bulletins are available to help producers prepare and respond to a range of natural disasters, including floods, drought and bushfires. 

A factsheet is also available to provide producers with practical tips for agisting livestock and guidance to ensure integrity requirements are met for livestock on agistment. Other resources include:

  • ISC Customer Service on 1800 683 111 for assistance with meeting your integrity requirements during a natural disaster.
  • Contact your local state or territory authority to access additional assistance with flood recovery for your business:
  • The Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA) website has information for producers affected by flood conditions, including a directory of alert services, relevant contacts and support as well as resources for managing and recovering from flood.

Managing livestock after a bushfire, or during a drought or flood, can be challenging and stressful and the welfare of both producers and their livestock is paramount. Producers are encouraged to review and apply these new resources to ensure livestock are properly cared for and that the requirements of Australia’s red meat integrity system continue to be met in any type of natural disaster.