PFAs won't hinder LPA accreditation

PFAS won’t hinder LPA accreditation

14 August 2019
-Min Read

The release of PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances) into the environment has become a global concern. Used in a range of common household products and applications (e.g. non-stick cookware, fabric, furniture, food packaging, industrial processes and some fire-fighting foams), the manufactured chemical does not break down easily by any natural process. This means, PFAS can persist in humans, animals and the environment.

Investigations are being conducted at some sites in Australia to assess the nature, extent and risk of PFAS contamination. Some producers have expressed concern that their proximity to these sites could impede their ability to meet the Livestock Production Assurance (LPA) requirements or accurately complete the LPA National Vendor Declaration (NVD).

SAFEMEAT has agreed that currently no action is required by producers regarding PFAS on LPA and NVDs. Read the Issues Brief

Based on the current regulation of PFAS, SAFEMEAT considers that PFAS are not a contaminant at this time. Therefore, producers are not required to notify exposure to PFAS.

If Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) determines that a Maximum Limit (ML) is required (meaning food safety regulators consider action is required to manage exposure), or there is need to support market access, the situation will be reassessed.