Producers urged to use CVDs as drought continues

Producers urged to use CVDs as drought continues

08 November 2019
-Min Read

As many regions across the country face ongoing drought conditions, livestock producers purchasing fodder and grain are being reminded to seek a Commodity Vendor Declaration (CVD). 

The CVD guarantees introduced feed is safe from chemical contamination. It is a key component under the, ‘Fodder crop, grain and pasture treatments and stock foods’ element of the Livestock Production Assurance (LPA) program, managed by Integrity Systems Company (ISC).

It’s an important tool in safeguarding livestock feed supply and meeting requirements for product integrity, particularly with producers increasingly buying in feed amid tough seasonal conditions.

When obtaining fodder or grain from a third party, producers should ensure the supplier completes a CVD so they know exactly what is being fed to their livestock and can guarantee their livestock is residue free, ensuring continued market access.

The single page form contains details of the commodity’s composition, identifying the chemical(s) used to treat the commodity before or during harvest or in storage, and the rate and date of chemical application.

Where livestock have been fed feedstuffs that have been treated with chemicals, additional records should be kept including details of relevant Withholding Periods and Export Slaughter Intervals.

The CVD provides information on the feedstuff’s origin, either from a single source or via multi-vendor storage, such as when it has passed through a grain depot, cotton gin or seed storage site. The declaration also ensures the feedstuff does not include restricted animal material (RAM) such as meat and bone meal, which is illegal to feed to ruminants.

LPA accredited producers are being urged to source feed only from suppliers who are willing to vouch for its content by providing an accompanying CVD. Completed CVDs should be filed alongside other farm records.

Key points:

  • A CVD ensures your animals are not exposed to chemical contaminants that may have been used on crops OR restricted animal material (RAM)
  • A CVD ensures you are not exposing red meat consumers to the risk of chemicals in their food
  • A CVD is your insurance against being quarantined for chemical residues
  • CVDs are required for LPA audits
  • CVDs should be obtained for feedstuffs such as hay and grain and for any alternative feedstuffs such as citrus pulp or grape marc
  • A CVD is not required for commercially produced feed products that have been manufactured under an accredited program such as Feedsafe.

Download the CVD PDF. A page of explanatory notes is provided with the blank CVD.

A fact sheet and learning course around LPA element three, ‘Stock feed, fodder crops, grain and pasture treatments’ can be accessed here.