Rebuilding from natural disasters - practical webinars for livestock producers

Rebuilding from natural disasters - practical webinars for livestock producers

23 March 2020
-Min Read

A series of webinars have been scheduled for livestock producers - offering practical tips to help rebuild on the back of the recent bushfires, drought, floods and storms.

Hosted by Meat and Livestock (MLA), Australian Wool Innovation (AWI) and AWI Sheep Connect NSW, the sessions form part of a broader response package to support livestock producers during these challenging times. The hour-long webinars will be held weekly every Tuesday at 1:00 pm for the next 11 weeks and offer resources and support to help those impacted by recent events get "Back to Business".

Originally scheduled as face to face workshops throughout bushfire and drought impacted regions, a revised webinar format is now the best alternative for livestock producers to access to the same expert information and speakers given the current situation with COVID-19.

Topics in the series will inform producers on livestock nutrition, water access and quality, mental health support services, and accessing financial and government assistance as well as farm infrastructure, pasture recovery, and the redevelopment and rebuilding of your herd or flock.

The webinars are free of charge and open to all livestock producers. For more information on the webinars, click here and for registration details, visit